Lacrima Castle

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> Lacrima Castle history.
post Jan 6 2009, 10:26 PM
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Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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The small kingdom of Lacrima used to be ruled by King Sturm II. with his sister Princess Rhiannon waiting to ascend the throne upon her brother's death.
Though her rise to power would be sooner than expected, and not caused by his passing away either. King Sturm II. was brought down in a coup d'etat after his rule of tyranny eventually drove the peasants into a revolution. Lord Ashton of Leyviur eventually defeated Sturm II. after which he was promptly exiled. Lord Ashton, having married Princess Rhiannon a few years before, was granted the title of King after his wife Queen Rhiannon I. was crowned the rightful ruler of Lacrima Castle.
During the following time, King Ashton IV. managed to restore the kingdom's economy which had been severely damaged under Sturm II.'s rule, returning some of the country's glory; even though a couple of veteran knights had already left the boundaries. Eventually the ban on Sturm II. was lifted and he was allowed to return to Lacrima, resuming his political activities on a lower level under the watch of the new rulers.
Eventually however, a notably sized region of the territory was lost to Hoarder I. of Domain and the capital had to be moved to the region Leyviur, the land Ashton IV. ruled before his ascension of the throne.
After a period of peace and prosperity, even though Lacrima Castle never managed to reach the glory of its olden days, all of a sudden Queen Rhiannon I. and Ashton IV. divorced. It remains to be seen what effects this will have on the country's government.

This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Jan 6 2009, 10:49 PM
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post Jan 6 2009, 11:51 PM
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I... don't know what to say.
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post Jan 7 2009, 12:10 AM
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Sturm...It's German for storm? Why did I feel inclined to look that up today? totally forgot about the rule of King Strum II (not to be, but always is, confused with King Sturm II).
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post Jan 7 2009, 12:28 AM
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And the upcoming movement to a new Kingdom.
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Dr Strum
post Jan 7 2009, 12:45 AM
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PPA's supposed history is riddled with inaccuracies.

Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.
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post Jan 7 2009, 11:48 AM
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Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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I know. :( For example the fall of the former monarch.
The traditionalists still following Sturm II. insist that he was silently assaulted from behind and spinelessly kidnapped at night with Ashton cowardly seizing the now-empty throne by exploiting his arranged bond with the true heir Princess Rhiannon I., whereas the propagandists of Ashton IV. claim that he stormed into the castle on a white horse and defeated Sturm II. in a one-on-one sword duel - even though the latter used sneaky tactics - , at last deciding to let him live in his kindliness.
The truth is probably somewhere in the middle with Sturm II. fleeing the kingdom during the revolution after formally handing it over to his sister and her beloved husband knowing that their reforms might save the monarchy. But the peasants want to be entertained, you know.

This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Jan 7 2009, 11:51 AM
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post Jan 7 2009, 12:21 PM
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Sturm Left voluntarily wtf.

[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*
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H. Tsukiyono
post Jan 7 2009, 10:42 PM
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Once upon a time, a German boy named P.P.A. decided he was bored and sat down to write a mostly fictional account of LCN's history--the present day being a boring setting for any of this, he moved everything back some hundreds of years and so suddenly the story took place in the Middle Ages in an imaginary kingdom somewhere between Lemuria and present-day Hoboken.

A while later, some girl named Tsukiyono living in Somewhere, USA, found the fictional account in the spam section of said forum and was mildly amused for all of the approximate thirty seconds it took to read it twice.
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Lloyd Seegymont the Rasier
post Jan 10 2009, 12:37 PM
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blues477 (10:29:38 AM): found you
(10:29:40 AM): you motherfucker
LoRdXrAsLeR(10:29:48 AM): D:
(10:29:54 AM): NO DON'T
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post Jan 10 2009, 01:54 PM
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Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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I'm actually a bishop of the church hungry for worldly power.
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post Jan 10 2009, 06:42 PM
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Apparently, you also seem to be some sort of historian.

Yar har ho.
Yo ho har.
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post Jan 10 2009, 07:26 PM
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Can I be a court guard?
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post Jan 12 2009, 01:19 AM
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post Jan 13 2009, 01:15 AM
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post Feb 1 2009, 01:52 PM
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Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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In the Great Battle of Lacrima, King Ashton IV. and his army fought bravely to reconquer Lacrima Castle and its surrounding lands. Half of his men fell, but at the end he stood victoriously, waving the banner of Lacrima atop the highest tower of the fortress with his soldiers celebrating their glorious victory.
Shortly after the battle, Earl Sturm II. offered Ashton the Great, as he shall henceforth be referred to, to restock the royal army with a fair number of elite soldiers of his newly-build personal troops.

This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Feb 1 2009, 01:53 PM
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