There's been discovered a... thing.... in people who haven't completed physical aging which can be used to, I dunno, go back in time or do faster-than-light travel or create war weapons or something. It doesn't matter, you decide.
Anyway, it's most abundant in newborns and is completely gone by the time they're adults, and removing this chemical or mineral or whatever would make them be unable to grow older physically, though they would still get wrinkly and senile. It's impossible to create in a lab (as of yet, you can choose whether they discover it later) so the only way to get it is from young people. They don't know how it gets there, only that while in the womb the fetus starts gaining a small supply of it up to the point where it's born.
I guess this causes conflicts where people are getting pregnant and aborting to get a lot of money for their fetus's something from the mob. Also, there are wars between countries who don't want to harvest their own and prefer to get it from the children of other countries. You can make up other conflicts.
Anyway, go on.