Photobucket reduced the size somewhat. XD I don't have anywhere else I can put it.
Yes, Nessiah is bleeding.
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This would be shortly after he was blinded as partial punishment for whatever he did to piss off the gods. Note that he also doesn't have his wings in this image.
You overestimate Gulcasa's feelings for Emilia.
No, I don't. You underestimate Gulcasa's capacity for pathos. He's a kindhearted person, even if he's extremely stubborn and doesn't express his emotions clearly all the time. Remember his reaction at the beginning of BF42 after hearing what happened in BF41? (Forgive me if I've got the numbers wrong. But you know which ones I mean, right?)
The comic was fun to do. ^_^ This is shortly after Emilia got her own unit together, and the two Griffon Riders are newly hired. As such, they had no idea that Gulcasa could go from almost teary to homicidal in three panels. (Only Gulcasa. XD BTW, his quote there was borrowed from Kyoko Honda.) I'm considering doing a sequel to this for the end of the Meriata Diocese battlefield. The Riders are just ordinary girls, so they're sort of stock characters. They don't even have names.