... Though they may not be instrumental for much longer.
Anyways, if you've ever heard anything by Pelican, at least for their first album, it's the same idea, just less boring. I'm currently downloading the second album (which they have available for download on the official site, link to follow), so I don't know what it's all about, but it's apparently a single song. A single, forty-minute song. Sounds hawt.
Anyways, since, at least for the first two albums, we'll find out soon enough about the third, they don't have vocals, it might be a bit hard to get into, but I know plenty here love their game soundtracks, so you all might find it easier than most.
Anyways, it's finished downloading, so here are the links, so I can go listen:
When Day Descends - Official SiteMySpaceNote, that the MySpace has less music than the official site.
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