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> The dream diary topic
post Jul 26 2012, 03:20 AM
Post #466


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post Jul 26 2012, 08:58 PM
Post #467


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Uh, something about school and wandering around, met an old friend who was going to be a doctor or some crazy thing unrelated to anything I've ever known about him in life. So he started scalpel-ing off pieces of skin on my shin and talking about the fat and muscle stuff underneath. It was pretty disturbing.

Then I was in my old town, yet the school was in a completely schoolless area and I only had underwear on, and stomach-rode some skateboard all the way there in the rain. Some books were lining the sidewalk, all turned to a different page in some book and blah blah not dying in the rain. The class I was in was magically my Japanese class, like earlier in the dream, except instead of Russian alcoholic Mountain Dew show and tell, my grandfather somehow used one of the books I picked up to play some movie about these weirdos who fucked up moving a plane, and rode the nose of it face down over some town and crashed into some random bell tower, causing property damage like an angry woman.

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post Aug 1 2012, 08:40 PM
Post #468


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There was something about a toy we found meant for animals, and it contained these tiny little marble-like things. They started hatching into odd looking insects and rainbow jello Rhinos and cubes. There was a warning on the back that warned not to expose the marbles to oxygen or else this would happen.

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post Aug 20 2012, 02:31 PM
Post #469

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First dream was about Kingdom Hearts, Terra was riding some sort of keyblade skate/surfboard through the Underworld with Hercules and Meg. It was sort of like the story of Orpheus in that Hercules wasn't allowed to look back the whole time. Except the Titans were chasing them down and Terra was slapping back lightning bolts. At the end they had to climb an aqueduct that brought water from the surface to the river styx. I think Hercules managed to not look back the whole time.

Second dream was something about being an epilogue to a pokemon game that showed all these hidden areas in the sequel (a drained river by the starting town's house that showed a secret door under the town. Then suddenly there was an ancient tower where the treasure at the top was a bag that contained an indefinite amount of gold coins but would age the person who looked at the gold within the bag 1 day for every gold coin in the bag (ageing the viewer to death). There was a legend about the gold coins being cursed by a town because they were meant to cure the town's plague but the doctor never made it in time. The boy who had found the bag was turned into a scapegoat by his evil grandmother and the town killed him, but he cursed the bag and the entire town ended up killing themselves fighting over the bag. Eventually the tower was erected to seal away cursed items including one that could grant wishes using large amounts of mana.
Anyway, A group of heroes are banding to defeat some big bad from taking over the world. One of them is a copy/illusion of Gilgamesh from FSN who realizes the tower is the wish granting device because it sits on a magical leyline, but the wishes aren't permanent until they reach the actual wish granting altar within the tower. He wishes for a weapon that is somehow no longer in his possession, a sword/whip weapon that can cleave mountains. The big bad uses the tower to create dark versions of the heroes. I think Archer was there too along with a dark version.

Third ream I was relaxing on the roof of a big house, and someone was moving into the house next door and then I woke up.
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post Aug 20 2012, 06:59 PM
Post #470


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A city with sky blue and bright waterways you could swim through super fast as a means of travel, then someone got stuck in this engine room that got super hot and he died, then it turned into some big chase scene where everybody was turning into Terminators and losing their faces, and some group of people had to make it to the north end of this city in order to survive. I was not involved in the dream in any way, yet seemingly took control of various characters at times.

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post Aug 22 2012, 10:06 PM
Post #471


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Resident Evil-like mansion, zombies around. Then there was some crazed guy with a big axe chasing me around, and I accidentally pushed him so hard that he flew through a wall and outside, revealing this was all some kind of movie set, and he was off the set now so I yelled an apology to him so he could hear and promised to wait for him to return so we could continue the scene.

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post Aug 23 2012, 06:24 AM
Post #472

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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My first dream featured my late great-grandmother, whom I was talking a lot with, and my late grandmother. I don't remember much else.

In the second dream, we (which includes my late grandmother, my parents, a witch, and some people I don't know) were at said grandmother's old house—except it was situated near a lake. The witch could transform into a fluffy ferret-like animal~ There may have ben a plot to it all, as I remember there to be some kind of conclusion at the end, but what it was eludes me now. But the witch's animal form was cute. <I>w<I>
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post Aug 26 2012, 08:30 PM
Post #473

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Had a dream last night involving Space Jam, Michael Jordan, an ex-wife of his, A murder allegation and Phoenix Wright. Lots of confusion about this one though I did listen to a lot of Slam n Jam remixes last night.
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post Sep 6 2012, 02:07 PM
Post #474


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I was at some kind of event at my city's park that happened to take place very late at night. Then suddenly, I was left alone, abandoned there with a bunch of strangers. Oh yeah, there was also suddenly a psychopath who keep slaughtering people there with some kind of red coloured weapon. Walked home, frightened. Then when I arrived, there were some rough looking people in the house who decided to beat me up repeatedly and destroyed every possession I had while doing so. All the punches and kicks felt quite real, too.

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post Sep 6 2012, 02:30 PM
Post #475

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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QUOTE(Rosetta @ Sep 6 2012, 04:07 PM) *

I was at some kind of event at my city's park that happened to take place very late at night. Then suddenly, I was left alone, abandoned there with a bunch of strangers. Oh yeah, there was also suddenly a psychopath who keep slaughtering people there with some kind of red coloured weapon. Walked home, frightened. Then when I arrived, there were some rough looking people in the house who decided to beat me up repeatedly and destroyed every possession I had while doing so. All the punches and kicks felt quite real, too.

That sounds horrible. :(
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post Sep 27 2012, 09:22 AM
Post #476

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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I had a dream tonight of which I remember three stages:

The first one was my father and I visiting Luxembourg. It was early morning, his mood was a bad and he was rather unfriendly all the time. The city itself looked nothing like in real life: it was more spacious, and littered with wide, open places, surrounded by rather high buildings. While the architecture was still a mixture of late 19th century and modern styles, the ratio was biased towards the former.
We visited a toy store, but didn't have enough money in cash with us (why they didn't accept a card is beyond me). Then we went to some kind of café/food stand; I forgot what we ordered. After a short walk, we returned to the toy store, and I bought two LEGO sets (we now had more cash on hand).

The second phase of the dream saw me in a dungeon-crawler. The perspective was Zelda-like, but the gameplay much more archaic. Everything was black and blue/purple, the graphics simplistic. After I had met the preconditions (tediously killing things and wandering around, it would seem), I gained access to a lower level, collected a key item, and faced a boss—a large dragon. I believe I defeated it, as afterwards I was treated to a cutscene which revealed that the game actually had vector graphics (or was made up of unshaded polygons), for it zoomed around the room and me quite easily.

Lastly, and this is the part which intrigues me the most… I don't remember the context; things had happened, perhaps there was even a continuity with the previous parts and I was tired from them—either way, I was sleepy but unable to fall asleep. Eventually, I found myself in the company of a rather obviously evil and dominant woman, who intended to backstab me (and made no secret of it).
I believe I talked to someone from a different community—an Iraq War veteran with whom I often discuss warfare, weapons, combat, and such—who gave us a bit of advise, and talked of three of seven points across the back, which could be stabbed and instantly knock me out, but not kill me in the process. (Some kind of pressure points for knives.)
I thus agreed, and soon the evil woman stabbed her knife somewhere into my neck. It slid in easily (and without pain), and I remember it as a rather pleasurable experience. I felt my strength lose me and my conscious fading away as I bent—ultimately fell—over, helplessly at her mercy. It was more kinky than anything else.

It was here that I awoke, and found this dream quite relevant to my interests.
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post Jan 15 2013, 02:33 PM
Post #477

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Something about Yoda reflecting beam spam then diving into the ocean.

Suddenly I was visiting vahn in Maine for some reason. He had a friend who accidentally snorted scrambled eggs.Then there was something about milking a cow and having a race down main street. And people from out of town had dinner rolls.
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post Jun 16 2013, 12:33 AM
Post #478


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Was going to some school place, kind of like a college but with highschoolish schedules. Had some nifty black bike to ride to the buildings from the dorm place, and weird bustaxis were also around. At some point I was failing History or something and had to do amazing on some test at 3 or I'd be in trouble. So I woke up at like 2:40 that day and went to shower, but the water stopped existing, and then some giant flying shelled beetle-pillar bug was in the bathroom and I HAD TO KILL IT. Eventually I did and left to bike my way to class, except the bike ran on electricity and I hadn't plugged it in the previous night and the only bustaxi still around was this old lady in a car seat attached to a sandbox full of rocks with wheels on the bottom. It didn't get anywhere. So I chucked my bike to the side and rode some random scooter that came out of nowhere to class, and did amazing on the test even though I was late.

Then I couldn't find the bike and figured it was stolen, so I went home to get the serial number from my parents so I could check with the lost and found/auction house lady to see if anyone was trying to pawn it off, but it turned out the police picked it up and wanted me to pay some kind of fine before I could get it back.

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Dr Strum
post Jun 17 2013, 12:23 AM
Post #479

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What the hell. Do you live in Animal Crossing?

Писатель всегда будет в оппозиции к политике, пока сама политика будет в оппозиции к культуре.
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post Jun 17 2013, 04:24 AM
Post #480

Check Length

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Something something Tom and Jerry, but I'm 3rd person view Tom running from the cops in a train that can offroad because it runs on oil and not coal.
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