My PC broke (or, more specifically, my CPU cooler's fan). :(
While taking it apart and cleaning some components with my father (when we did not yet know that the problem was one of them being downright broken), my dust allergy was triggered again, however. Despite a sensation of heat, such—as well as certain food allergies—always lead to emotional disturbances for me, as opposed to purely physical reactions. The usual progression is: becoming very aggressive and hostile for an hour or so, followed by a sudden breakdown into sadness (aggravated by feelings of guilt over misbehaviour in the first stage), and lastly a regression into childish vulnerability coupled with a certain melancholy. Today, fortunately, I was spared the first two stages, and skipped directly to the last one.
I find it very intriguing how easily emotions and thoughts can be manipulated purely via biochemical processes, devoid of any psychological input or triggers, and would like to learn more about this topic, but I am unsure where to start looking. Should I read up on different hormones and their roles in the body, maybe?
This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Feb 29 2012, 12:03 AM