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Well basically, story wise it was surprising, you can recruit the generals you defeated as long as you don't overkill them. Some will just kill themselves if they don't like you so you haveta strengthen your nation. You also get Durant and Cruz right at the beginning of the game
and what else, gameplay wise, right, well it was weird and...boring to say the least, very lackluster :(
Well basically you have "checkpoints/base" and you have to reach that base to defeat the enemy. So let's say for example, there are 2 flags, then some random stuff littered in the map, like let's say cities and stuff.
You can dispatch more units via Yggdra Flag and then selecting a character, to attack you have to pick the character and point the cursor to the enemy, and stuff like that, for union attacks, they have to be within inside this circle or something or attack them together, I really couldn't get it right now because of disappointment. They also move at a snail's pace that it gets boring VERY FAST. Once you finished attacking the enemy and he survived, well, both of you go blinking mode for a moment, meaning immune and can't be attacked, and well, that's a big problem if you want to stop an enemy from reaching your base heh.
And yeah I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy the battle system, it really made me sad and I am really surprised at how STING could mess this up...
This post has been edited by Archeia: Dec 14 2009, 07:36 AM