A rank is high? Isnt there mostly a S rank? ooh well
Games I been playing now is....
Luminous Arc 2. I liked the 1st one and the 2nd one is slightly better so far.
I still find the Rune Knight thing kinda creepy....
You become the element of a witch by using the skill Engage....
Thats all ill spoil
Rest is in the spoiler
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You get an Engagement Ring for a moment then drain a part of their energy...
When you use Engage skill during battle you change element but you see the "Witch"
Who you got power from for like 3 seconds flashing by in a wedding dress.....creepy...
Considering how old Witches can get.... they may look good but uuhm......good thing they
dont tell ages in this game since in the 1st game most of em were like 100 years old atleast...