Name: Halfsmile
Exl. Overskill: Astral Resound
Voice during Overskill cut scene: To repent is your last hope.
Text during Overskill cut scene: May the lost shine as the stars of heaven.
Victory via Overskill: *Closes eyes, claps fist to chest* Pity us, Holy One.
If Overskill fails to defeat an opponent: *Sigh* Anything's possible.
Diviner: Eleniaku: resembles a light pastel green bugle
To obtain my Diviner the memories of all those whom I love and who love me would be changed so they would forget my existence, but I would still remember theirs - thus no pain for them, but I would be giving up what I hold most dear.
Familiar: A quadruped vegetarian dinosaur, about my size, with a bioelectric appendage on his back that resembles a food processor. He's a mixosaurus named Choice.
I play Riviera for two reasons:  IIRC, credits go to Feral Phoenix for Fiaa's icon and ChefMKT for the Lyuri scan.