Also, this scene was cool.
The starting penalty is five.
Life penalty, body penality, freedom penalty, fame penalty, fortune penalty.
Give the penalty that extends so much punishment, mud, darkness and malice.
"Elimination of human rights by castration, exile, execution"
"Torture and sadism upon the body through digestion"
"Denial by consensus of the colony that eliminates all honor"
"Scorn from judgment and selfishness that takes away men's fortunes"
death penalty penal servitude imprisonment custody fine penalty, crime from a grudge, crime from self-interest, unconscious crime, self-conscious crime, civil war, inducement, false statement, theft, robbery, kidnap, suicide, rape, arson, bombing, violation, negligent homicide, mass violence, death at work, overconfident accident.
misdiagnosis, concealment, violation for benefit, violation for self-protection, violation for love, violation for respect, selfish _____. Stealing fraudulent fraud concealment murder theft crime crime personal grudge attack attack attack attack dirty dirty dirty you are dirty atone atone atone atone every violence every crime every victim atone for everything
"This world is ruled by something not human"
Know the conscience to reform crimes
die die die
Know the penality to reform crimes. People's kindness is here. There is so much it cannot be noticed. Know the violence to hide crimes. Know the power to hide crimes. People's malignance is here. It is so rare that it is noticed. A hundred kindnesses and one malignance. Malignance shines bright to keep the balace and exists as a great evil to compete with the masses of kindness.
The starting penalty is five.
die die die die die die die die
__ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self __ for self inducement, false statement, theft, robbery, kidnap, suicide, rape, arson, infringement, dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty you are dirty atone atone atone atone atone atone evry violence every crime every victim atone atone atone with death!!!!!!
diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedi ediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedied iediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie
The mud eating away at my body remains and steals my warmth mercilessly.
I am crushed by the thing seeping in through all five senses.
Darkness I cannot look at directly. Ugliness I cannot acknowledge. Crimes I want to run away from. Every crime of the people in this world.
That is why I am going to die
One trapped in this darkness will eat themselves to death from pain and hatred.
This post has been edited by Irysa: Jun 15 2008, 02:18 AM
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*