QUOTE(Sauce XIV @ Jul 14 2007, 12:40 AM)
Treasure Hunter G- About to start this over so I can work on that walkthrough I intend to make for LCN when Ash starts going full-Sting.
I thought it was funny that the Beehive in Treasure Hunter G looks EXACTLY like the one in Riviera - Its also the same as the Yggdra one.
I am currently playing Burnout 4 AKA "Revenge"
GrimGrimoire - On the fourth "Day 5"
Odin Sphere - Leveling up my characters to beat the epilogue final bosses. Because I'm terrible at this game. Two bosses to go.
Yggdra Union - At BF 32 - Vs. That priest guy who carries the Medusa Eye card. I got whupped the first go around b/c my chars turned to stone, and I ended up using all my cards. (Vague enough not to be a spoiler...). I will probably use Kokorinut or Sweetberry (Or both) to help me out a little. Also I will take Durant instead of Rosary because he has high enough GEN so that he will never turn to stone. Also, I just realized that Milanor is immune to stone. Curse those enemies - All of them have "Always Ace" status!
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - Currently at the first of the Brauner daughter (Not sure of name) boss fight.