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> What games are you playing?
post Jul 14 2007, 09:14 PM
Post #646

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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Breath of Fire- Just got Karn, about to go into the L & D Tower. As to what the L and the D stand for, I don't know. I'd want to say Light and Dark.

Everything else is the same.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Jul 14 2007, 09:26 PM
Post #647

Time Waster

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QUOTE(Sauce XIV @ Jul 14 2007, 12:40 AM) *

Treasure Hunter G- About to start this over so I can work on that walkthrough I intend to make for LCN when Ash starts going full-Sting.

I thought it was funny that the Beehive in Treasure Hunter G looks EXACTLY like the one in Riviera - Its also the same as the Yggdra one.

I am currently playing Burnout 4 AKA "Revenge"
GrimGrimoire - On the fourth "Day 5"
Odin Sphere - Leveling up my characters to beat the epilogue final bosses. Because I'm terrible at this game. Two bosses to go.
Yggdra Union - At BF 32 - Vs. That priest guy who carries the Medusa Eye card. I got whupped the first go around b/c my chars turned to stone, and I ended up using all my cards. (Vague enough not to be a spoiler...). I will probably use Kokorinut or Sweetberry (Or both) to help me out a little. Also I will take Durant instead of Rosary because he has high enough GEN so that he will never turn to stone. Also, I just realized that Milanor is immune to stone. Curse those enemies - All of them have "Always Ace" status!
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - Currently at the first of the Brauner daughter (Not sure of name) boss fight.
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post Jul 14 2007, 09:32 PM
Post #648

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

Group: Magi
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Member No.: 177

QUOTE(jcdietz03 @ Jul 14 2007, 05:26 PM) *

All of them have "Always Ace" status!

Even if they didn't, it wouldn't matter- Enemies ignore Ace requirements.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Jul 16 2007, 11:40 PM
Post #649


Group: Knights
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Treasure Hunter G: Currently in Herman's Cave or whatever it's called, trying to kill this COMPLETELY UNFAIR NOTPLAYING BY THE RULES Minotaur :( This is a fun game, by the way.

"Where the hell have you been?! Didn't you get my messages?"
"Sorry, I was being raped in prison."
"You shouldn't be out enjoying yourself when you've got work to do."

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post Jul 16 2007, 11:43 PM
Post #650

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

Group: Magi
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Breath of Fire- Just got Ox and rescued his friends and whatnot, about to go to some town in the north.

Breath of Fire III- Um. I'm training some guy named Beyd right now, since I'm waiting for a boat.

Threads of Fate (Dewprism)- TITLE SCREEEEEN

Treasure Hunter G- Having to motivate myself to play this some more, thinking about starting over to start on that walkthrough.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Jul 17 2007, 04:07 AM
Post #651

Life Waster

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Diamond - Completing Pokedex. 320 seen, 248 obtained.

FE7 - Hector's mode, Chapter with Farina. My brother found the game a few days ago, and I was on the chapter with the desert. I brought along Ninian and spammed her rings to get the 700 Exp needed for the bonus chapter. I then changed Raven's class on the chapter with Linus/Geitz after Raven maxed Str, Skill, and Speed.

FE9 - Chapter where you get Zihark. Haven't started it yet, just in base.
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post Jul 17 2007, 04:23 AM
Post #652

Life Waster

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Xenosaga III- I'm lost somewhere in the Restricted area of 1st Miltia.

Riviera- I hate Sting for adding in that 2nd Golem, I HATE THEM!

Harvest Moon AWLSE: It's summer and I'm barely getting by with my crops cause of stupid slowdown.

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Enexodia Forbiddensia
post Jul 17 2007, 05:51 PM
Post #653


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Playing Tsukihime again, got tired from Tactics for now =P

Check out my art site sometimes ^_^

Why can't we have more Nessiah, Gulcasa and Roswell Love :(
Milanor deserves it too...
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Feral Phoenix
post Jul 18 2007, 07:36 PM
Post #654

Angelus Artifax

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FFVI - Leveling up the party/getting them their mad esper skillz before taking on the Floating Continent. Terra is levels and levels ahead of everyone else. ;_; I am going to miss her. ;_;

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post Jul 19 2007, 09:19 AM
Post #655


Group: Knights
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Member No.: 45

Treasure Hunter G: Finished! What a nice little ending.

"Where the hell have you been?! Didn't you get my messages?"
"Sorry, I was being raped in prison."
"You shouldn't be out enjoying yourself when you've got work to do."

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post Jul 19 2007, 06:09 PM
Post #656

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

Group: Magi
Posts: 2140
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From: Gensokyo
Member No.: 177

QUOTE(Enzd @ Jul 19 2007, 05:19 AM) *

Treasure Hunter G: Finished! What a nice little ending.


Treasure Hunter G- I just got the Old Map OPART and am now trying to find a way to get back into that stupid castle that's guarding Stonehenge.

Threads of Fate (Dewprism) - Second dungeon, at quite possibly the most annoying puzzle-like thing ever.

Legend of Mana - Walrus made me go back and play this. Anyways, trying to finally start the Jemi path through the game, because I have NEVER gotten through that path, mostly because of how confusing the events leading up to the final event in that path are.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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Lloyd Seegymont the Rasier
post Jul 20 2007, 03:28 AM
Post #657

Keeping the forum afloat

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Drakengard 2: I'd beaten this game like a year and a half ago. I just found it in my closet and started it up again. I'm currently training Nowe and Eris.

blues477 (10:29:38 AM): found you
(10:29:40 AM): you motherfucker
LoRdXrAsLeR(10:29:48 AM): D:
(10:29:54 AM): NO DON'T
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post Jul 20 2007, 05:55 AM
Post #658

nice bs

Group: Flunkies
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Perfect Cherry Blossom-got bored of playing lunitic and is trying extra stages.

Riviera PSP - just getting Lina and Fia.
Pokemon Diamond-collected 386 pokemon.
Megaman X for the psp-just finished one level. >_>
Katamari-made 3 islands.

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post Jul 20 2007, 11:02 AM
Post #659

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

Group: Naughty Children
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From: Electorate of Cologne, Holy Roman Empire
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NiGHTS into Dreams - Just beat the girl's storyline. Now onto getting at least a C-rank in any of the boy's stages.

Mario Kart DS - Beaten all the cups and missions, now I'll go for 3-Star ranks.

Immaterial and Missing Power - Still losing to everyone; but I'm getting better. :o

This post has been edited by P.P.A.: Jul 20 2007, 11:05 AM
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post Jul 21 2007, 01:13 AM
Post #660

Baby Chocobo Cuteness

Group: Arcs
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Pokemon Diamond- EV training Electivire, 287 pokemon obtained.

Final Fantasy XII- Second playthrough, actually trying to get all Espers this time, currently going for

Brave Fencer Musashi- Recently picked up the sequel, so I decided to play this again. Just got the Fire scroll, I'm in the forest place... the one that explodes.

Samurai Legend Musashi- Contrary to what some say, I like this game. The art makes me laugh. Anyway, I'm about to go find some nut thing to fix Fontina's glasses, cause she broke them.

Fire Emblem 7- Eliwood mode, just got Nino and Jaffar, training Florina and Dart's Attack stat. About to go kill the Morph lady in chapter 30.

Fire Emblem 8- Creature Campaign, training Ewan, Emelia and Ross to be Super Trainees. Cause Super trainees are WIN.

Yggdra Union- BF 10, I want to destroy you, Ortega!! Going for Rosary again.

RiviPSP- Minero, just got there, and talked to the warrior who took my stuff. Going for the Lina Ending,
because I've only done that once.

This post has been edited by Rzul: Jul 21 2007, 01:18 AM

I once saw Phoenix Wright cosplay at JACON...
I thought my eyes would shrivel up.
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