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> What games are you playing?
post Apr 5 2007, 08:41 PM
Post #496

I'm really moved by the chicken bone

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Blue Dragon - I beat it, like, weeks ago. So now I'm just going around and doing optional stuff that I didn't bother to do. I spent some time learning a lot of good skills, but I think I may have made most of what's left far too easy... everything I've fought since then has died fast. Except for the Blizzard and Phantom Dragons, because they still kill me. The jerks.

Valkyrie Profile 2 - I'm in the Seraphic Gate, and I just got the Ninth Oracle. I'm about to defeat Dirna for the last time before I get my reward for spending so much time in this place!

Yggdra Union - BF20. I have an Yggdra with four big stars of LUK. Aren't you proud of me? Anyway, I'm noticing some things. Like Baldus being able to predict the future. And I seem to be doing badly in this playthrough, aside from Yggdra being better than she ever has before. And it turned to perpetual night from perpetual evening in BF17. That's crazy. I didn't know it could do that.

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Lloyd Seegymont the Rasier
post Apr 5 2007, 08:59 PM
Post #497

Keeping the forum afloat

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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

I'm trying to get to the top of the tower thingy and beat all those damn dragons a third time. I think you get something when you do that , but i forgot what>_>

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(10:29:40 AM): you motherfucker
LoRdXrAsLeR(10:29:48 AM): D:
(10:29:54 AM): NO DON'T
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post Apr 5 2007, 09:07 PM
Post #498

Architect of the Great Wall of Text

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Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Garden in the sky thing
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance - Wandering around aimlessy
Sonic Gems Collection: Playing every day to unlock stuff
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post Apr 5 2007, 10:33 PM
Post #499


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Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
Chapter 24 - Insightful

Riviera - for the...5th time? Just like it.

Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari - Hajimari no Ishi
2nd time playing, still clueless 90% of the time ^^;;

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post Apr 5 2007, 10:49 PM
Post #500

Life Waster

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Gundam Seed vs ZAFT Portable (PSP)- I just got my hands on the game and the graphics are pretty nice, currently playing as Kira in Strike at Phase 05, fighting off the Impulse, Rey's and Lunmaria's Zaku.

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Dr Strum
post Apr 6 2007, 11:59 PM
Post #501

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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Blue Dragon: Cleared like the first dungeon of the third disc.
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Yggdra Union: BF20. I've noticed I hate pretty much all the battlefields with Inzaghi. Well, I only hate BF10-1; BF10-2 is great.
Paper Mario 2: I just cleared my favourite chapter in the game. The Keelhaul Key.


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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Apr 7 2007, 02:12 AM
Post #502

Apparent Racist

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Yggdra Union: BF-11B, saving Rosary. Yay! Have to keep starting over 'cause it's hard to get all the items sometimes... Russel's Shin-Zantetsu hurts. And four big stars of LUK means I NEED to Steal. But then I can't get Elena's bow! *CRY!*

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 - Started a new file, carrying over some uber gear I just got. Picked Arno this time instead of Dinah. I miss my devil/angel girl. :<

Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari - Still going through it, haven't finished it once.
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Izuna: Got tired of getting own in the Path of Trials. :<

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Dr Strum
post Apr 7 2007, 02:15 AM
Post #503

Can Lead the Nation with a Microphone

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And four big stars of LUK means I NEED to Steal.
You have to be kidding. Did you forget Nietzsche, with her high LUK and GOOD AGAINST SWORD USERS? And Rosary comes with four LUK preinstalled.

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post Apr 7 2007, 02:16 AM
Post #504

Towards some blank infinity

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Aside from the various MMO's I play...

FF XII - Just got it. I don't get what people where whining about when they said how awful it is. It seems fun so far, if not slightly hectic.

Fable: The Lost Chapters - Again. I've still amazingly not finished that evil run through.

[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*
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post Apr 7 2007, 03:25 AM
Post #505


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I've been playing Mount & Blade for the past few days. It's an action RPG with a medieval setting. You go around a world map, visiting towns, completing little sidequests, and battling enemy armies. It's not finished yet (no story, no way to win), but it has a really active modding community to make up for it. I'm currently trying to put together a strong enough army to capture some enemy cities, and I'm also messing around with some mods of my own.


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In Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, I've just destroyed an asteroid base belonging to space pirate aliens. Space pirate aliens that talk like really stupid orcs.
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post Apr 7 2007, 03:37 AM
Post #506

We'll soak this parched earth with our own blood.

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Crescent Pale Mist- Another dojinsoft game I acquired recently. Trying to get past the second stage, which I would have done by now probably if it didn't suddenly get an error last night right as I was about to fight the boss. That really pissed me off >:(

Mario Kart DS- You know, I wouldn't be playing this if I didn't lose my copy recently. I'm having to reacquire all the crap on my old copy on a new copy.

All my Touhou games- Playing them on my new computer. Soooo much harder at 60 FPS. So much faster, so much more fun.

[20:15] Irysa: I hate myself
[20:15] Irysa: I made myself some curry
[20:15] Irysa: and then
[20:15] Irysa: I realised
[20:15] Irysa: I wasn't hungry
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post Apr 7 2007, 05:32 PM
Post #507


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Need for Speed Carbon - I kicked Darius butt with the Z06.

Medal of Honor Frontline - Just started.
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Suzu Fujibayashi
post Apr 7 2007, 08:30 PM
Post #508

Apparent Racist

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QUOTE(Dr Sturm @ Apr 6 2007, 07:15 PM) *

And four big stars of LUK means I NEED to Steal.
You have to be kidding. Did you forget Nietzsche, with her high LUK and GOOD AGAINST SWORD USERS? And Rosary comes with four LUK preinstalled.

Sorry to semi-spam 'ere.
But my Nietzsche only has 3 LUK and Rosary has the Frilly Lace equipped so I can't get four LUK on her.
So this is SOMEWHAT on topic.

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2: Hahaha, goin' a pwn in the Ruined Factory armed with two Etheral weapons and a Kitty Axe. XD

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Feral Phoenix
post Apr 7 2007, 09:12 PM
Post #509

Angelus Artifax

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FFV: Beat Fork Tower and got the Mime job too. BUT IT'S DRIVING ME UP THE WALL BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH I VISITED THE HIDDEN VILLAGE I SEEM TO HAVE MISSED A PIANO SOMEWHERE. :< And it might be in a town that isn't around anymore. Boooooo. :<

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post Apr 7 2007, 09:13 PM
Post #510

The Comedy of Errors

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Shining Force EXA - I have no idea where I am right now lmao. Met the Emperor and leader of the Magnus.

Tales of Abyss - Got Natalia.

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