HELLO. Created a short story for Riviera on my spare time. EXCERPT:
The Game
"Okay, here's how it works." Ein said setting up a group of chairs in a circle.
It's been a few months since Hector and his evil ambition nearly came to fruition. How close we'd have all come to total destruction on a world scale! But had it not been for us, Riviera and Asgard would have faced the realm of eternal darkness. How fitting that we find ourselves here passing the time like a family as if it's always been this way.
"There's only a limited number of chairs, one less then the number of people here"
Musical chairs. He had described it to me once as the idea came to his head last night. 'You'll love it Serene!' He said smiling. Asgard must have been a very dull place, because he seems to get excited by just about everything these days.HEREThis post has been edited by valkan: May 4 2007, 04:58 PM