Not done, can't Japan anyway. Walrus can edit this if he does the stuff I didn't do. CHECK THE EDITED BY BOX IF YOU DO. Bolded things I'm pretty sure I don't understand. ACTUALLY FORGET IT EVERYTHING IS QUESTIONABLE AND THE ONLY THING I'M CERTAIN OF IS THAT I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE AGHART. Also Sting admits they didn't really plan the whole Hades thing out in Riviera.
Pages 124-125 (Riviera Q&A)
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1-Why does Ein get all the cool stuff :(?» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: リヴィエラの主人公、エクセルが「最強のディヴァイン」を使いこなせた&与えられたのはなぜでしょうか?
A: 告死天使とディヴァインには相性があります。いくら高性の会わない告死天使(たとえ優秀であったとしても)が手にした場合には、まったくといっていいほど性能を引き出せないのです。有効利用できないだけでなく、告死天使自身やディヴァインそのものに悪影響をもたらすことさえあるのです。
Q: Why was the "strongest Diviner" bestowed upon Ein, Riviera's protagonist?
A: There is (needs to be?) compatibility between a Grim Angel and Diviner. [sentence i'm not sure i understood right, basically means it doesn't matter how awesome a Grim Angel is; it won't get the maximum potential out of a Diviner without having affinity with it]. Not only will the Diviner's maximum power be unavailable, but it brings about a bad influence on the Grim Angel and Diviner in question. Although Ein's abilities are inferior to other Grim Angels, the strongest and celebrated Diviner was bestowed upon him because his affinity excelled (get it) over others.
2-Why did Ursula summon A DEMON?!» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: 女神ウルスラが守護聖獣アガルタを召喚・使役できたのはなぜでしょうか?
A: アガルタはかつて(リヴィエラがかつて冥府の領域であった時代)インフェルノスだったのですが、神々による浄化により、魔性を失いました。かつての力は失いましたが、アガルタはリヴィエラに残り、リヴィエラの守護者であるウルスラに使役されることとなりました。アガルタはエクセルによって倒されたものの、その媒体に地底のハデスゲートから魔性が流入し、再び、インフェルノスとして復活することとなりました(かつての姿とは多少異なりましたが……)。
Q: Why was the goddess Ursula able to summon and use the Holy Beast, Aghart?
A: Aghart was once(during the time Riviera was part of the underworld) an Accursed, but due to the purification from the gods(either purifying Aghart or Riviera as a whole?), it/he/she lost its/his/her demonic energy.
Its/his/her former power was lost, but Aghart remained in Riviera, and was employed by its guardian Ursula.
Aghart was defeated because of Ein, the evil energy flowed in(to Aghart?) from the Hades Gate in the depths of the earth, and once again, it/he/she had become an Accursed(in a somewhat different form, but...).
3-About Zolgonades» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: 冥府の王ゾルゴナークが、リヴィエラで「冥王ハーデス」として出てきた経緯をお願いします。
A: 冥府は(神界と同様に)地上世界の下で広く繋がっており、ハデスゲートを使うことで地上世界のどこにでも出現できます。そして、インフェルノスにはその力があります。神界側はマリエッタがユグドラとナイツで同様のこと(=ヘヴンズゲートを介して異なる地上世界に降臨すること)をやってのけていますので、冥府にもそれを行ったキャラクターを1体は出しておいて、”神界と冥府の狭間にある幾多の地上世界”という「Dept.Heavn Episode」の構造を実際のゲーム上で一応示しておきたかったというのが理由です。
Q: Please give the details as to how the lord of the underworld, Zolgonark, appears as Hades in Riviera.
A: The underworld(similarly to Asgard) is connected beneath every surface world, and the Hades Gate can be used to travel/appear anywhere on them.
Infernos have that power.(?)
Asgard's Marietta did the same for YU and Kitten(Heaven's Gate can be used to get to various surface worlds), so a single person could do the same from the underworld, because the DHE games were tentatively decided to have "many surface worlds between Asgard and the underworld."(?)
Currently, concerning the Hades(Zolgonark on his deathbed) in regards to Riviera, it doesn't have a big impact on the story.
It was good to have a powerful secret boss.
By the way, Riviera was not related to the 'Maria and friends being eliminated' end from Kitten.(?)
4-What the heck is Hector doing?» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: 神々がリヴィエラに残した叡智と力=神罰というストーリーでしたが、ヘクターが神罰を「発動」させるというのは、結局どのようなことを意味していたのでしょうか?
A: ヘクター(ゴート)が目論んでいた神罰は、神々の残した神罰というのはその存在のみが言い伝えられており、それゆえ(憶測を含んだ上での)抑止力として機能していました。ゴートが目をつけたのは、神々が密かにリヴィエラに隠蔽したとされるセトの力を手に入れることでした。
Q: It's said that the gods left their wisdom and power behind and called it the Retribution, yet Hector means to "invoke" the Retribution, what did this mean in the end?
A: As for Hector's(the Magi's) planning the Retribution, they were the only ones told about the Retribution, for that reason (as was speculated) it was functioning as a deterrent.(?)
The Magi kept an eye on it, to obtain the power of Seth that the gods had hidden within Riviera.(?)
This is a familiar story, like the fake 'tokugawa gold reserves' or the loch ness monster; the other members of the Magi are also aware of this, but afterwards, Hector obtained knowledge of Seth's guardian being "Ursula", which gave this matter credibility. Furthermore, if either Seth or Ursula vanish, the other will vanish as well.
As expected, Hector's plans were realized, and he intended to become a new god with Seth's powers, but before this devilish thing could completely awaken, Ein and the Sprites knocked him down(a miscalculation by Hector).
(I don't think I got the first paragraph entirely right...)
Pages 128-129. YU Q&A!
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1-IS MILANOR A KING?!» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: ユグドラに出てくる「古代種」という種族(先住民)についてですが、「ユグドララジオ」にて「ミラノは古代種の王の末裔」という裏設定が明かされましたが?
A: ラジオやドラマCDではコンテンツとしての面白さを最優先していますので、こちらはファンコンテンツの位置づけで、ifのエピソードとして楽しんでいただければと思います(設定を検証しながら作成すると、アドリブの楽しさが損なわれてしまいますので……)。
Q: It's about the race called "Vanir"(former inhabitants?) that appeared in Yggdra Union, was it revealed in the "YU Radio" that "Milanor is the descendant of the king of the Vanir"?
A: The point of the radio and drama CDs is to have fun, in the same way as fan content, so I think it should be enjoyed as an "if episode"(because taking time to verify the script would take the fun out of ad-lib).
There are rumors Milanor is their descendant, but there's no way to tell for sure.
There's no mistake that his birthplace is Lost Aries, but...
2 - About Yggdra/Luciana/Aegina» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: ゲーム中でははっきりと語られなかった「ユグドラ、アイギナ、ルシエナ三姉妹」について、誕生と放逐、そして姉妹の再会のエピソードについて教えてください。
A: アイギナ、ルシエナについてはユグドラより先に生まれ、本来であれば王位を継承する者であったのですが、双子であったため、忌み子として捨てられたところを帝国に捨われ、英才教育を受けて育ちました。
Q: In-game, we weren't given specifics about "the three sisters Yggdra, Aegina, and Luciana," so please tell use about their birth, expulsion, and reunion.
A: Aegina and Luciana were born before Yggdra, and by all rights should have been the heirs to the throne. But because they were twins, they were labeled as children of taboo, and cast out. The empire took them in, and they were brought up with special education(the good kind).
As for the kingdom, it seems the existence of the twins was not made known to the royal family, nor the empire, because the Fantasinian royal family(wait what?) raised them in secret, and no historical facts appear to remain about the twins.
However, from questionnaires and the like, there are many people that want to play a sequel/continuation, so if there was a chance to make one, maybe we could close up that topic...
3 - What's up with the new PSP ending?» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Q: PSP版にて守護天使を倒し神界へ侵攻したことがきっかけとなり、神界戦争へと発展したという流れですが、公式的な解釈はどのようなエンディングが正史なのでしょうか?
A: マリエッタに聖剣を渡し、叡智の杖を得るのが正史という位置づけです。
「Dept.Heaven Episode」の設定においては、基本的に新規ナンバリング制作時にのみ、手を加えるようにしています。
それがたとえ、「Dept.Heaven Episode」に付随する設定に抵触するものであっても、です。
Q: In the PSP version you can defeat the Guardian Angel and invade Asgard, and it's called the "Asgard War", but what is the canon ending?
A: The official ending is when you deliver the sword to Marietta, and receive the Scepter of Wisdom.
The DHE setting is basically only adjusted when it comes time to create a new entry.
That is, the Riviera WSC version, the YUGBA version, and the Knights DS version.
I don't really know about the things I'm not involved my real answer(laughs), but in general the judgement for the game design is left to the directors and teams, and I generally trust their alterations and additions, so I don't involve myself in the conversation/discussions.
Now that you mention it, we have come across conflicts in the DHE setting.
Because, we don't have a very high priority on the beings that tie together the titles, as it's not conducive to good planning to create a lot of restrictions.
Since players would be uncomfortable with modifications and contradictions, we try to make as few as possible; we don't really take making remakes, continuations and sidestorytype titles into consideration, so we're making sure we're able to freely change things around.
Milanor and Yggdra fighting in YZ and whatnot might be the most extreme case(laughs).
Also fuck warau.
This post has been edited by Walrus: Aug 10 2012, 04:06 AM