JewTube - Rick Roll
GameFAGs - Shitty poll/Rick Roll
WhoreJournal - Rick Roll
devianTART - Mudkips
isoHUNT - Rick Roll
4chan - Rick Roll
Hideo Kojima - Assassin's Solid - Kaketaku
Gizmodo - Every article contains Mr. T
GAME - - PS3 and 360 data swapped.
ThinkGeek - - Redirect to a shitty comic (Questionable Content)
Questionable Content - Redirects to Dinosaur comics
Dinosaur Comics - Redirects to xkcd
Piratebay - "moved"
Google - Google Mail can send messages into the past
VGcats - CAD style redirect. Funny.
CAD - Nothing yet. I bet Buckley is going to do something involving Scott fucking his cats.
BBC - - ZELDA THE MOVIE of Warcraft - Bard class (Guitar Hero esque gameplay). World of Warcraft spinoff coming to consoles. Starcraft II has Tauren Marine
So far I like Blizzard's most, with VGcats in second.
This post has been edited by Irysa: Apr 1 2008, 04:39 PM
[13:27:43] [Sabator] peter would be the worst batman ever though. "turn on the bat-signal" "right!" *turns on huge foglight, beams an image of striped pantsu into the sky*