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So it looks like the first book (of 27 I think?) is coming out in May. Anyone excited?
I follow him on Facebook, and over the last year or two he's posted a series of random cryptic pictures of a galaxy, each one with a series of numbers attached. When I was looking up info on the new book today, I found out that it was a code, and the code had been broken. The pictures posted so far translate into this:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

If you're interested in the code or the pictures,
He might have them on twitter or something too, but I don't twitter so I dunno. If you're interested in how they broke the code:

Aaannddd if you're interested in the new series:
Dr Strum
There are 880 pages in volume one of 27?

One month left! I'm pretty stoked.
I have this in my calendar for like, two weeks from now. Even though I haven't been reading anything lately, I think I will get this when it actually comes out so I can stare at it next to all these other books and wonder what kind of story he wrote this time.
QUOTE(Rhiannon @ Apr 26 2015, 03:44 AM) *

I have this in my calendar for like, two weeks from now. Even though I haven't been reading anything lately, I think I will get this when it actually comes out so I can stare at it next to all these other books and wonder what kind of story he wrote this time.

Or you could break your reading fast with it :D

EDIT: I read somewhere that one of the voices/pov's is written like computer code. There. That should make you quiver with excitement. Or it won't.
Official Trailer
Dr Strum
Finished it today.

Me likey.

The only part of the story that really makes sense to me thus far is that narrated by the family. I have very little comprehension of what was going on in the other narrators' lives, though all of them had such unique and well-developed voices, prosodically and signiconically.

And I will probably have none of the answers to my questions until fucking volume 27.
I didn't read or buy past volume 1, but for those who have kept reading, how is it? WHAT'S UP IN THE STORY IN SPOILER TAGS? I want to be spoiled, it may interest me in trying to keep going.
I stopped at volume 2 because of money, but it got cancelled after volume 4 or 5 or something
Dr Strum
Yeah I was kinda skeptical that it would be marketable through a whole damn 27 eight-hundred-page volumes, and I gave up part way through volume 2, but was still said to hear that :(
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