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> "Riviera: The Promised Land" remaster released on Steam
post Jul 19 2024, 04:43 AM
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Group: Gods
Posts: 2539
Joined: 25-December 05
Member No.: 16

Riviera has been released on Steam, on July 16, 2024, just five days shy of the 22th anniversary of its July 12, 2002 Wonder Swan release. (Discrepancies in arithmetic may be due to time zones.)

It has a 20% discount (from $35 USD base price, in the US) until July 30, 2024. You can get a multiplicational 10% off (28% discount) if you already have Yggdra Union (through the "Buy Rviera[sic] - Yggdra Union BUNDLE".) (Yggdra Union has not gone lower than -20% in the past year it's been out, so this is probably the best discount you'll get for a while, unless you want to wait for both to be on sale for a better bundle.)

Earlier, Riviera was released on iOS App Store and Android Play Store in May of this year, but only in Japanese.

It was also released on Switch, in February, again only in Japan. The Steam version is the first English release of Riviera since the PSP jelly in 2007.

Someone add these new releases to the Wikipedia page.

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