The dream diary topic |
Walrus |
Aug 18 2010, 03:01 PM

Group: Angels
Posts: 431
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The first part had something to do with working at a store, me(as some kid) and a bunch of other kids worked at a sort of K-mart place, and for whatever reason, work was out for the day, but we had to sneak past the manager. Some black guy helped. Something about pizza and work-cafeteria. There was also a beach right outside the store, instead of a parking lot, and the people surfing were actually some kind of Space Invaders game. No idea what was going on.
Then there was some weird version of a Chinese mansion. Or the survivors of some attack on one. It reminded me of Pirates for a bit, but then the whole lolretellingofstory thing happened again. There was your usual evil adviser guy, maybe a queen person, that one son that led the rebellion from Curse of the Golden Flower, and maybe a daughter or two. There was also some part like the hopping/crumbling platform puzzles from Golden Sun, but in Zelda graphics. Except you didn't come back if you fell down the holes. So blah blah, the rebellion is going to start, the adviser guy's army is in the castlemansion, and the son's rebel army is behind a forest, where they put on some giant dragon costume, and called it Fafner, which was spelled wrong. The son warns the queen, me and whoever went through the Zelda dungeon were standing there, then the dragon-army wiggled into the castle and pretty much killed everyone while wiggling their way around. Adviserman survived maybe, and Aang from Avatar was there talking to an unconscious royaldaughter or something. Not sure why, but me and the people that went through the Zelda thing had to escape, except it was now my old highschool, but really beige. We met some old teacher that apparently knew my older sister or father, and there were lots of staircases. It ended with some floating castle peak(Appa?) that looked kind of like the airship Moegi takes Vyse and co in to meet her brother. The daughter was now Toph, who had long braided hair, and she had fallen in love with the rebel brother, who was now Zuko or something. There was also some scarred old woman with dreadlocks.
DustyHaru |
Aug 18 2010, 03:09 PM

Check Length
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Last night: I forget what the major order of events were but it seems to be tghat I was vacationing in Canada and I'm at a school/university where three guys somehow get me in the situation of being stuck in a room with little kids trying to hide myself under a very large but very thin blanket (I don't know why but I get the uneasy feeling that I'm lacking clothes). There seems to have been some sort of prior memory of this because I remember bursting out from the blanket I'm hiding under in a tiger costume and beating the three of them while wearing it. Anyhow my mom finds me, she explains the situation and the three (who are relatives or brothers of some sort) are caught by their father who punishes them. In return we go to their house where apparently Rai is currently. Then he tells some story to everyone about me offering to take everyone's money to buy lunch but I forget that it's other people's money and start talking about how many chicken nuggets I will buy at McDonald's. I turn to the fridge and find that something is missing, and the father flashes a rather evil grin.
Somehow leads to a beach dock place. There are a bunch of log benches set on a sloped beach area leading into a creek/swamp and sitting on them seems to be a number of depressed people. At the water's edge is a Shack and from behind the shack comes the father with a crooked smile. The only people accompanying me seem to be people that I know but can't seem to recognize and characters from tf2. The (now) old man starts a creepy rhyme about people wanting to revert time while I apparently take out shoes from inside my shoes (there is some sort of big outer shoe covering with a mechanism inside holding a smaller set of shoes). During the song/rhyme he tells of how people want to revert time because they made a mistake, and he grants them their wishes. One story described a man who wanted to go back to a point in time with someone he loved but they were no where to be found so he panicked and committed suicide. I turn around instinctively and find the man he is talking about behind me, his jaw missing. I realize that many of the people on the benches are dead. I run from the benches to behind the shack where there is a bucket of something that looks to be food. I pick it up instinctively and begin to eat only to realize that the bucket holds dead and rotting crows and throw up. Then something next to me explodes into a mass of green goo. I reach down and find it's a squirrel head. One of the old man's assistants helps clean me up and we both look into my right pant pocket and see that goo has completely covered a pair of underwear I had there. He asks for them and I hand them over. The old man continues his rhyme saying that he can only make 'apparent' time revert (that he tricks people into thinking they've gone back in time). He is actually a scientist who created a substance to increase apathy, and it worked too well. People began not caring about anything and died, then continued to live because they didn't care about dying either. I run upstream the creek by myself and find an invisible door to a laboratory setting where there is a table of computers. I log on to one and find a TF2.exe and open it. Suddenly someone I know from HS kicks me off the computer (literally) and tries to look for information about the old man but can't find what she wants. She yells something about not wanting to play TF2, and I get on the computer, enter a password and find all the information she wanted. The old man has caught up to me and sadly says that all he wants to do is atone and is trying to find a way to kill all the apathetic dead he has inadvertently created.
Dream changes to a Mass Effect/Halo setting as I leave through some double doors. I'm pretty sure my parents are with me as I see them pass by. I turn around and there on an upper ledge I see a turret and destroy it with a rocket launcher. I run back down hall to a darked area in front of a double door. I think it's another set of friends I don't recognize. They check their weapons and run in. I can see through the frosted glass that they have been frozen. I run in (apparently with Box) and find an old lady and her granddaughter (who I also seem to know). I push my frozen friends to the side, pull out a candle, or a sword (It's really hard to tell which because I think the sword is something like a really fat lightsaber hilt) and close my eyes, trying to focus my energy into the candlesword. The energy ignites a flame which unfreezes my friends. The old ladyhas since given up whatever she was doing. Out from behind me the double doors open with the parents of my friends. The old lady's granddaughter congratulates me about being victorious over my feelings etc. etc.
and I wake up.
Shiokazu |
Aug 18 2010, 10:30 PM

Group: Arcs
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From: Zeal Kingdom 12.000 BC
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i had one today, LCN people included.
it was a kind of online RTS. the ones there were me, sauce, rhia, walrus, asaph, dusty and rai. it was kind of crazy, like DotA, but we could buy minions troops. i was going through a kind of stone corridor and there came a dragon out from nowhere, i ran away and bumped with asaph's and dusty's character we fought the dragon but it never died and it keept going after us until everyone was together, then rhia said, just kill it already, and dusty took a spoon out of his armor and gave some soup to the dragon and it died. after we had a long and hard siege to a big base, walrus was in control of a catapult and sauce was bringing his knights.
:( the siege never ended anyway;
 click to read.
Walrus |
Aug 19 2010, 02:55 PM

Group: Angels
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Another Metroid dream, this one started off in an original Metroidy area. I shot up a ceiling and went into some lava, when suddenly some water got everywhere, and a new path opened, sans lava. Then, everything was 3Dish, and real(and white). I was at the core, and some woman was in a room asking for help, while Metroids or some other messed up space monsters slept in containment rooms. She wanted me to go on some ridiculous quest, even though she wasn't trapped, but refused to go with me unless I did it. Things were getting kind of creepy by then.
Some stuff happened, and me and some other people were in what dream-me thought was "VP3" and "some MGS game" combined. We were hopping through rooms(sometimes sideways) avoiding trip lasers. The lasers called in ghosts or something, no idea what our goal was.
Blah blah, suddenly there's this weird place, kind of reminds me of E7 now. Some more things happen, and we're at war with these other people. I think it involved Halloween. So we're fighting, blah, some weird stuff happens, and then we're all prisoners while the enemy's leader gets some bizarre tribal retribution ready. So obviously, we're stuck in an ancient tribal FANCY HOTEL. They sing for a bit, someone gets in trouble for playing music, girls sitting at a table, the end.
Walrus |
Aug 21 2010, 03:37 PM

Group: Angels
Posts: 431
Joined: 17-March 07
Member No.: 830

Let's see...
There was this cliff thing that sloped a bit, and went down to a body of water. One of its sides had a small sectioned off rocky area, and I was there with a group of camp kids/whatever, with some fake waterfall. Our group was the "budget" group I guess. Then I was an actual camper by some creepy tent, like one of those mysterious occurrence places. Bad/weird stuff kept happening, then disappearing for three weeks turned me into a 30 year old(from a kid).
It was move in day at college, and my parents pulled up to the dorm building so I could go get a giant box to move all my stuff in with. But the only giant box they had was a huge shoebox without wheels, and my parents already drove off to park somewhere. Then it was near the end of the semester, and everyone was leaving and all the stores were closing down, so some old friend and I went to go drink some store. Goblins might have been involved.
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