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Lacrima Castle _ Other Games _ Resident evil

Posted by: Ethronix Nov 16 2006, 08:59 PM

Has anyone here played the resident evil series?

I liked the series quite a bit and have most of them....(a few exceptions.)
Anyway what do you guys think(about the various game that have com out so far)? And what do you think Resident Evil 5 will be like?

Posted by: Seans Nov 18 2006, 08:59 AM

I'm too scared to even consider playing it. :x
I saw someone else playing it once, and it was downright freaky. I mean, there wasn't any music or anything, just complete silence, and the sound of your footsteps. Then suddenly, this abomination comes and starts attacking the crap out of you, and you're basically too shocked to counter-attack properly (in real life that is). >_>

Posted by: Enzd Nov 21 2006, 11:05 PM

I've only played two RE's. 4 and Deadly Silence. Both great games.

Resident Evil 4, the first time through, anyway, was quite suspenseful and scared me quite a bit. Unfortunately, that's the first disc. The second disc was just a shooter with certain rather disturbing creatures. RE4, especially after your first playthrough, definitely shows to not be the "scariest Resident Evil" as others so put it. But it's still very fun, and I re-play it atleast twice a year.

Resident Evil Deadly Silence was a fantastic game when you looked past the "oh so horrible" *rolleyes* graphics. For game so bright and simple-looking, it had a few scary moments. But it also had a lot of quick, exciting moments that made you think strategically.

After reading all of that, I know you're thinking "Stupid-ass, this isn't what I was wanting to know from you!" but too bad! I said it!

As far as what you were asking...

I think the Resident Evil series is truly great, even if I haven't played many of the games. I plan on starting a collection soon of the Gamecube remakes and such.

As far as Resident Evil 5 goes...I couldn't care less about it. I'm more concerned with Wesident Wiivil.

Posted by: Irysa Jan 21 2008, 09:01 PM


I have played every single Resident Evil game aside from Dead Aim and any other of the Survivor series.

Despite the fact I accredit Silent Hill and Fatal Frame for having a much more horrific experience in their gameplay, Resident Evil basically set some core rules for much of the genre, and all the games ( aside from 4 and any of the Survivor Series ) have amazing atmosphere, brilliant soundtracks, and very memorable experiences. I can still fondly remember the frights I got from the games, most particulary being the Mirror Room in Resident Evil 2, where a Licker jumps through what you THOUGHT was a mirror, but was in fact, a window for an interrogation room.

4 I detest in almost every form for essentially turning the series into a generic shooter. I was not scared by anything ( due to the sheer ease of the game ), the atmosphere was not there, and I did not find any of the music memorable. Not to mention how little sense it made in a series that had often prided itself on attempting to not reach into the bounds of paranormality. However I did enjoy the segments with Regenerators, and parts where you were being completely overwhelmed by Villagers in the Cabin or at the start of the game.

I have low hopes for RE5, as I feel Capcom will most likely be following the same formula, but I hope that they stay true to their promise of more enemies at a time, as that would make the game more enjoyable for me if I decide to get it.

My favorites, in order are:

Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil ( REmake ). The rest I still hold in high regard however.

Posted by: Irysa Dec 5 2008, 04:51 PM

Resident Evil 5 demo is out on the Japanese XBL Marketplace. No clue about PSN.

I've played the demo. Here are some of my impressions.

1) The strafe controls don't really integrate very well.
2) The game somehow actually feels clunky. weird because I actually didn't find Resi Evil 1 2 3 4 etc clunky at all.
3) Context sensitive actions override everything and are still invincible.
4) Normal enemy health and AI has been nerfed (I know, laughable), whilst special enemies (Chainsaw dudes etc) health has been buffed and speed nerfed.
5) Chainsaws don't actually decapitate you (demo bug maybe?)
6) Partner AI is fucking horrible, and is a shitty shot and wastes ammo everywhere.
7) Knife is still god tier.
8) It is near impossible to die because of your partner needing to be dead at the same time for it to get game over.
9) The graphics are bangin' yo.
10) Capcom are faggots because the end of the demo ad thing had "survival horror" on the genre list.

The game feels notably less refined than RE4 from the demo.

Posted by: Neon_the_Chao Dec 5 2008, 05:03 PM

I have played all of the Resident Evil games. My favorite was RE4.

Hey, remember the black zombie made from the bugs most recently seen in Umbrella Chronicles? The way he walks reminds me of someone in my school who has no achillees heel. :/ (Yeah, it's spelled wrong. Sue me.)

RE5..... Who is in it? It's Chris Redfield, right?

Posted by: Leyviur Dec 6 2008, 10:22 AM

QUOTE(Irysa @ Dec 5 2008, 04:51 PM) *

5) Chainsaws don't actually decapitate you (demo bug maybe?)
8) It is near impossible to die because of your partner needing to be dead at the same time for it to get game over.

RE4 in Japan got censored; Leon's head didn't fall off either, so I am guessing that the U.S. version will have the decapitation. Also, OHKOs still kill you outright. Chainsaw guy keeps murdering me.

Posted by: chrishawke Dec 8 2008, 05:48 PM

The overhead strike from axeman kills in one hit. The death scene was pretty funny though, because it seems like they've been hit by a hammer instead of a giant axe. Other than that, the demo feels like a prettier version of RE4. With real-time inventory screen, hah!

Still need to try out offline co-op mode and see if it's any good.

Posted by: Vahn Jul 1 2010, 12:13 PM

QUOTE(Irysa @ Jan 21 2008, 04:01 PM) *


I have played every single Resident Evil game aside from Dead Aim and any other of the Survivor series.

Despite the fact I accredit Silent Hill and Fatal Frame for having a much more horrific experience in their gameplay, Resident Evil basically set some core rules for much of the genre, and all the games ( aside from 4 and any of the Survivor Series ) have amazing atmosphere, brilliant soundtracks, and very memorable experiences. I can still fondly remember the frights I got from the games, most particulary being the Mirror Room in Resident Evil 2, where a Licker jumps through what you THOUGHT was a mirror, but was in fact, a window for an interrogation room.

4 I detest in almost every form for essentially turning the series into a generic shooter. I was not scared by anything ( due to the sheer ease of the game ), the atmosphere was not there, and I did not find any of the music memorable. Not to mention how little sense it made in a series that had often prided itself on attempting to not reach into the bounds of paranormality. However I did enjoy the segments with Regenerators, and parts where you were being completely overwhelmed by Villagers in the Cabin or at the start of the game.

I have low hopes for RE5, as I feel Capcom will most likely be following the same formula, but I hope that they stay true to their promise of more enemies at a time, as that would make the game more enjoyable for me if I decide to get it.

My favorites, in order are:

Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil ( REmake ). The rest I still hold in high regard however.

I never did get around to playing any of the Gamecube Resident Evils. I didn't hate 4, but it really didn't feel like a RE game, and I'm just not interested enough to try 5. I'm in total agreement with 2 being the best in the series.

I played two of the Survivor series. I hate them so much :(

And its not enough that Capcom decided to turn the series into a shooter, they're going back and redoing older ones into arcade shooters too. Since I haven't played either one of those yet I'll hold off on saying I hate them though.

Also my next two favorites would be 1(original) and 3. I'm sure the remake would replace 3 if I ever got a chance to play it though. I've always felt kind of meh on Zero though.

Also one BGM in Umineko totally reminds me of the Save room theme for RE2