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Lacrima Castle _ Other Games _ The all encompassing Tales thread

Posted by: Rzul Nov 9 2006, 09:50 PM

Why the hell has no one thought to start this yet? (And yes Sturm, I searched, and only found threads for the games individually.)

Anyway, back on topic, I believe this series to be the greatest RPG series ever. The battle system is much more fun than say FF or Dragon Quest. I have played all but two of the games, including the handhelds, and I must say, the games have blown me away. I think the only other person at LCN who enjoys this series more than I is Ash.

My favorite game in the series so far is Tales of Rebirth(which hasn't been played by many Americans due to no international release, like most of the series).

I have yet to finish Abyss fully yet, so when I am, it might replace Rebirth as my favorite.

But I digress, this thread is for talking about the Tales games(all of them), why you love or hate them, which is your favorite and such, etc.

Now, begin.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Nov 9 2006, 11:40 PM

QUOTE(Rzul @ Nov 9 2006, 03:50 PM) *
And yes Sturm, I searched, and only found threads for the games individually.
I would only say anything were there a Tales thread already, so quit playing the witch until you're actually accused.
Anyway, back on topic, I believe this series to be the greatest RPG series ever.
I disagree, and "best RPG series" award is not exactly saying much.

Anyways. Been through Symphonia five or six times, tried to force myself through DeJap Phantasia and failed, and I'm currently working on Abyss. Abyss is okay. Kind of.

Posted by: Rzul Nov 10 2006, 12:28 AM

Then I recommend you play more Tales games.

And yeah, ToP Phantasia failed miserably. The SNES version and PSX version are much better.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Nov 10 2006, 12:33 AM

"ToP Phantasia" seems kind of redundant, and I said I played the SNES version, you dolt.

Posted by: Rzul Nov 10 2006, 12:42 AM

I thought you meant officially.

Anyway, I just started ToP PSP and Tales of the Tempest. Both are good so far, though the only difference between PSX and PSP vesions of ToP are updated sprites, improved graphics and the addition of a grade system. I think there are a few new techs too.

TotT on the other hand is pretty cool, it uses a modified version of ToS's battle system except with 3 people.
The graphics are awesome, but the opening fails for not being completely anime.

Werewolves are awesome...

Posted by: Dr Sturm Nov 10 2006, 12:43 AM

Why the hell is "DeJap" synonymous with "official" in your mind?

Posted by: Rzul Nov 10 2006, 12:51 AM

I'm not thinking straight currently. I just moved down to Florida on Tuesday, and I'm still getting settled.

Posted by: TaylorGS Dec 1 2006, 01:42 AM

My favorite Tales game is Tales of Symphonia. (which possibly is my most favorite RPG of all time... ... Wait... ... It is. =D)
I take great joy in memorizing randomness from the game, but really, the only things I have down word-for-word are the prologue, "it's a washtub" scene, and possibly end of disc one. >_>;

Tales of Phantasia I'm still playing slowly on GBA, and I've played some of Tales of Destiny and Destiny II (AKA, Eternia) at a friend's house. Maybe I can talk her into getting Tales of the Abyss. That, or letting me borrow her PS2 so I can play ToEternia. n_n;

Posted by: Rune_Ocarina Dec 1 2006, 01:52 AM

I've only played Symphonia, so it's the only one I can praise out of the Tales series...

But hey, I gotta say, Symphonia was a damn good game. Forgot how many times I beat it but I always had to kill Zelos and get Kratos back in my party for coolness reasons...

Posted by: Megaolix Dec 16 2006, 11:46 PM

For those who like Tales of Symphonia... Here's a link that I found today that you might find interesting:

Posted by: TaylorGS Dec 17 2006, 02:59 AM

It'd be nice if it were translated to English, but it probably won't... (based on the fact that the ToP series wasn't translated... ... right?) ... So... The next best thing is for someone to translate it on You Tube or something. n_n;

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 17 2006, 03:02 AM

If I recall correctly, there is no ToP "series."
There is a single game that has been remade half a dozen times, though. One of the remakes having been published in America, and the original having been fan-translated many years ago.

Posted by: TaylorGS Dec 17 2006, 03:11 AM

I guess my post was too vague... It kinda is... (I was afraid of using wrong terminology.)

I was reffering to that there was a ToP (I think it's ToP...) OVA, or anime, or whatever in Japanese, but it never became dubbed to English because of Megaolix's post with the link to the website mentioing ToS's OVA.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 17 2006, 03:24 AM

It never got dubbed because there was no point.

Posted by: level Dec 17 2006, 04:33 AM

but guys who do u think is the strogest main character of all the tales series?

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 25 2008, 05:10 PM

Tales of Vesperia demo sucked. It was way too slow. It was like being launched out of a cannon through molasses.

Posted by: Endless Jun 25 2008, 09:20 PM

QUOTE(Dr Sturm @ Jun 25 2008, 10:10 AM) *

Tales of Vesperia demo sucked. It was way too slow. It was like being launched out of a cannon through molasses.
It's up? Japanese Marketplace, I'm guessing. I'll have to give it a shot.
Oh, and I'll save everyone the trouble:

Holy crap, Endless!?

Posted by: Irysa Jun 25 2008, 11:49 PM

You're just used to Abyss with AD skills and high agility.

Abyss was that pace for about 70% of the game. (why I disliked it mostly.)

I didn't mind the demo but half of that was only because the main character isn't a total pussy and you have a motherfucking dog in your party. I probably won't buy it though.

I've never really liked anything by Team Symphonia specifically anyway though. Where's my Team Destiny Localizations Namco? :|

Starting with finishers and 21 skills and gaining at least one every levelup for every character? Argh, take a goddamn leaf outta their book at least, spending most of the game trying to get you know, cool stuff isn't fun. It's like playing a single player MMO.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 12:11 AM

I never play Abyss. It's boring.

As for the waiting to get skills - that's stupid. Can you use a Kamehameha Wave as you are? No, YOU have many years of training ahead of you, young grasshopper.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 01:14 AM

Taking over half the game to get the good stuff is not enjoyable.

It's understandable if they're easing you in but past the 10 hour point there is frankly no excuse at all. Only ULTIMATE abilities shouldn't be allowed by that point.

And Symphonia is even slower in that regard then Sturm.

Comparison video for Yuri attack speed to Luke. Luke is slower. I'll make videos of them running as well if you want.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 01:44 AM

Taking over half the game to get the good stuff is not enjoyable.
It's understandable if they're easing you in but past the 10 hour point there is frankly no excuse at all.
Ten hours IS the half-way point in Symphonia, so I don't see what you're complaining about. And I'd like to point out that having everything from the start is not enjoyable at all. I know from experience.

Comparison video for Yuri attack speed to Luke. Luke is slower. I'll make videos of them running as well if you want.
It's not about animation speed (but I'll point out that Luke has a much larger sword than Yuri, either way - a better comparison would be to Guy or Lloyd/Zelos), it's about reaction and recovery speed.

Posted by: Yuka Jun 26 2008, 01:48 AM

I say this from experience, ten hours is not the half-way point of Symphonia.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 01:49 AM

Me and Sasha have defeated Symphonia in well under twenty hours, with sidequests. Just because you can waste eighty or more hours on it doesn't mean you can't (without even rushing) beat it in twenty.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 02:18 AM

Oh my, I can speedrun DMC3 in under 3 hours but does that mean the first time you play the game it's that long?


Ten hours IS the half-way point in Symphonia, so I don't see what you're complaining about. And I'd like to point out that having everything from the start is not enjoyable at all. I know from experience.

I'm complaining about Abyss.

It's not about animation speed (but I'll point out that Luke has a much larger sword than Yuri, either way - a better comparison would be to Guy or Lloyd/Zelos), it's about reaction and recovery speed.

I had much more issues with Abyss than the Vesperia demo for recovery speed besides Yuri's flourish at the end of his combos(which guy does anyway basically).

The reaction time from the controller is just fine for me.

And I'm making a video for it compared to Lloyd right now, can't find one of someone playing as Guy in the first half of Abyss.

here's the same video with Lloyd on the end. He's still slower than Yuri.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 02:31 AM

Oh my, I can speedrun DMC3 in under 3 hours but does that mean the first time you play the game it's that long?
These aren't speed runs. We get all the items and watch all the scenes.

I'm complaining about Abyss.
Abyss was boring, no one cares.

Lloyd's combo was longer; that's hardly a fair comparison. Lloyd's was five hits, all the other only four.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 02:33 AM

These aren't speed runs. We get all the items and watch all the scenes.

It doesn't matter. You know what to do, where to go, and how to play. The time length is not comparable.

Abyss was boring, no one cares.

Rhia and Ash disagree, and I was arguing with them about this before you.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 02:35 AM

LLoyd's combo only needs 3 inputs.

Sorry for the double post, forgot to do edit instead.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 02:36 AM

It doesn't matter. You know what to do, where to go, and how to play. The time length is not comparable.
As would anyone with an FAQ.

Rhia and Ash disagree, and I was arguing with them about this before you.
As if they set the precedent.

LLoyd's combo only needs 4 inputs.
... So? What does that have to do with this? And you're wrong, anyways - you only press the A-button three times to pull off that combo.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 02:39 AM

As would anyone with an FAQ.

Wait, people play with FAQs on their first run through?

Sounds awfully lame to me.

As if they set the precedent.

They do.

... So? What does that have to do with this? And you're wrong, anyways - you only press the A-button three times to pull off that combo.

I edited my post before you made that one.

It doesn't matter how many hits, Yuri needs 4 inputs for his one and so did Luke. Lloyd only needs 3, and his takes longer. His combo is slower.

run speed. No notable difference between Abyss and Vesperia. (the disatnce in the Vesperia clip is bigger anyway)

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 02:50 AM

Wait, people play with FAQs on their first run through?
You'd never need an FAQ on any playthrough after your first.

I edited my post before you made that one.
No you didn't.

It doesn't matter how many hits,
Yes it does, since you're measuring animation speed. A longer attack will take longer to animate, and thus appear longer.

Luke covers far more ground than Yuri does in the same time frame.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 03:01 AM

You'd never need an FAQ on any playthrough after your first.

You're acting like someone would use an FAQ extensively to know EVERYTHING on their first playthrough, which is retarded

No you didn't.

Yes, I did.

Yes it does, since you're measuring animation speed. A longer attack will take longer to animate, and thus appear longer.

No. I'm measuring the speed of attacks per input.

Luke covers far more ground than Yuri does in the same time frame.

Hahaha, oh wow.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 03:06 AM

You're acting like someone would use an FAQ extensively to know EVERYTHING on their first playthrough
No I'm not.

Yes, I did.
And that's why your post was still saying four button presses for the attack when I got back from posting, right?

No. I'm measuring the speed of attacks per input.
Uh, no, because the numbers would be in the milliseconds, then.

Hahaha, oh wow.
You fail to notice that Vesperia's battle stages are absolutely, ridiculously enormous, even in random battles.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 03:11 AM

No I'm not.

Then why act like an average person would beat Symphonia in under 20 hours without making extensive use of an FAQ on their first run?

And that's why your post was still saying four button presses for the attack when I got back from posting, right?

If you're going to argue about that, I was editing the post before I saw you post that at any rate.

Uh, no, because the numbers would be in the milliseconds, then.

The numbers are the length of the animation in total. The comparison is how long the animations are compared to each other.

The length of the animations is directly proportionate to the speed of the attacks per input.

You fail to notice that Vesperia's battle stages are absolutely, ridiculously enormous, even in random battles.

I for one, welcome bigger setouts. In terms of speed, I think that at level 20 anyway, Luke runs MUCH slower than Yuri. I see no significant difference between the speeds in the video I made, and at that point, Luke is somewhere around the 40s.

If you're having reaction time issues, then I'm standing by the opinion that they aren't any better or any worse than Abyss. If you really think there's something wrong, it might be the LCD on your HDTV failing to update fast enough.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 03:21 AM

Then why act like an average person would beat Symphonia in under 20 hours without making extensive use of an FAQ on their first run?
Because I was able to do it?

The length of the animations is directly proportionate to the speed of the attacks per input.
No it's not. If that were true, Sasha and I wouldn't feel that Vesperia reacts so slowly, yet have no problem with Symphonia and Abyss.

I for one, welcome bigger setouts.
Enjoy chasing enemies around a giant field for ten minutes.

it might be the LCD on your HDTV failing to update fast enough.
Can't be, since all other games fail to have such problems. Vesperia just sucks, I guess. :/

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 03:26 AM

Because I was able to do it?

And other people didn't.

No it's not. If that were true, Sasha and I wouldn't feel that Vesperia reacts so slowly, yet have no problem with Symphonia and Abyss.

You know, here's something funny. I thought Symphonia and Abyss were clunky and slow anyway.

Enjoy chasing enemies around a giant field for ten minutes.

Not if they start actually putting more enemies in the game.

Can't be, since all other games fail to have such problems. Vesperia just sucks, I guess. :/

I haven't noticed that particular problem at all and I play on a CRT.

Your tv just sucks I guess. :\

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 03:29 AM

And other people didn't.
Just like other people didn't solo Abyssion with Sheena at level six.

You know, here's something funny. I thought Symphonia and Abyss were clunky and slow anyway.
You gotta' get off the uppers, man.

Not if they start actually putting more enemies in the game.
Yeah, because that doesn't stop a Golden Goose from hopping around the battlefield for ten minutes after you've killed all the rest.

Your tv just sucks I guess. :\
Wow, you are intensely stupid. How could it be the TV if it only happens with this one game? It's the game, not the TV.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 03:35 AM

Just like other people didn't solo Abyssion with Sheena at level six.

What's your point?

The average time a normal person playing Symphonia would take is not under 20 hours.

You gotta' get off the uppers, man.

More like they are, but I'm just used to more responsive controls.

Yeah, because that doesn't stop a Golden Goose from hopping around the battlefield for ten minutes after you've killed all the rest.

If you have more enemies it's significantly less likely you'll have to spend more time running to and from them.

Wow, you are intensely stupid. How could it be the TV if it only happens with this one game? It's the game, not the TV.

How could it be the game if it doesn't happen on other TVs?

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 03:43 AM

The average time a normal person playing Symphonia would take is not under 20 hours.
Prove it.

More like they are, but I'm just used to more responsive controls.
... What?

If you have more enemies it's significantly less likely you'll have to spend more time running to and from them.
On a bigger stage they spread out and you gotta' chase them down. EG: you're wrong.

How could it be the game if it doesn't happen on other TVs?
Because other TVs belong to biased assholes

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 03:46 AM

Prove it.

Sauce and I didn't beat it in under 20.

... What?

The controls are clunky, but because you're not used to much better it's not as big a deal for you. I'm used to much more responsive controls in other action games so thus have more issues with them than you would.

On a bigger stage they spread out and you gotta' chase them down. EG: you're wrong.

On a bigger stage they can put more enemies than they could on a small one.

EG: You're wrong.

Because other TVs belong to biased assholes

Words fail me. I guess we'll just leave it at that.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 04:21 AM

Sauce and I didn't beat it in under 20.
Maybe you two are just bad at video games. :/
The controls are clunky, but because you're not used to much better it's not as big a deal for you.
Which makes it odd that you're not bothered by Vesperia since they're even clunkier...
On a bigger stage they can put more enemies than they could on a small one.
This is irrelevant; you still have to chase them all down. It won't be like those times in PM2 where the stage is literally flooded with enemies and you have to hammer them out of the way so you can even see yourself, let alone move or escape.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 04:30 AM

Maybe you two are just bad at video games. :/
Maybe I just like messing around in videogames. :\

Which makes it odd that you're not bothered by Vesperia since they're even clunkier...

I'm bothered, but I think you're being silly because they're not any worse than they were before.

This is irrelevant; you still have to chase them all down. It won't be like those times in PM2 where the stage is literally flooded with enemies and you have to hammer them out of the way so you can even see yourself, let alone move or escape.

If they put more enemies you have to spend less time chasing aside from the one at the end that MIGHT be just goofing off.

I don't see that as a bad tradeoff.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 04:39 AM

Maybe I just like messing around in videogames. :\
That's just silly. Messing around time can't be seriously counted towards total play time.

I'm bothered, but I think you're being silly because they're not any worse than they were before.
No, they're far worse.

If they put more enemies you have to spend less time chasing aside from the one at the end that MIGHT be just goofing off.
Maybe if you just slaughter them without rhyme or reason, but some people like to kill intelligently. Makes them lose less health, waste less time, items and TP/MP/SP, etc.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 05:15 AM

That's just silly. Messing around time can't be seriously counted towards total play time.

Yes it can. That's where half my playtime in any good game comes from, just fucking around.

No, they're far worse.

Not really.

Maybe if you just slaughter them without rhyme or reason, but some people like to kill intelligently. Makes them lose less health, waste less time, items and TP/MP/SP, etc.
Tales games aren't hard enough to warrant caring about that unless you're a perfectionist.

And Free Run makes it piss shit easy to kill things without getting hit anyway.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 05:20 AM

Yes it can.
Not in a discussion regarding play time, except in playing down the amount of time it took... Oh! So you COULD have beat it in twenty hours, easily, you just spent too much time messing around to do so. Okay. That's fine.

Tales games aren't hard enough to warrant caring about that unless you're a perfectionist.
Maybe if you powerlevel. Avoiding most battles, and playing on hard mode from the start, they can be obnoxious, to say the least.

And Free Run makes it piss shit easy to kill things without getting hit anyway.
Not it doesn't. Free run should be removed, in my opinion. It's unnecessary, and in both Vesperia and Abyss, since the camera has to pull out when you activate it, it causes a lag between when you can act and move, which just takes you out of the game entirely.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 06:17 AM

Not in a discussion regarding play time, except in playing down the amount of time it took... Oh! So you COULD have beat it in twenty hours, easily, you just spent too much time messing around to do so. Okay. That's fine.

Ugh, this is dumb. I've beaten Metroid Prime in about 3 hours but that doesn't mean on my first run through it took that long, nor does it mean I could have. I didn't know the mechanics, I didn't know where to go, I didn't know what to do.

Maybe if you powerlevel. Avoiding most battles, and playing on hard mode from the start, they can be obnoxious, to say the least.

No, they're just easy. The only "difficulty" comes from bullshit moves like Javelin that are impossible to dodge and terrible AI.

I don't think I got a single game over in all of Symphonia, and you can bet your ass I never ever grind in rpgs if I can help it.

Not it doesn't. Free run should be removed, in my opinion. It's unnecessary, and in both Vesperia and Abyss, since the camera has to pull out when you activate it, it causes a lag between when you can act and move, which just takes you out of the game entirely.

Are you saying Free Run doesn't make it easy?

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 06:57 AM

Ugh, this is blah blah blah
Blah blah blah.

No, they're just easy. The only "difficulty" comes from bullshit moves like Javelin that are impossible to dodge and terrible AI.

Are you saying Free Run doesn't make it easy?
I'm saying it makes it hard, and I don't use it because of that.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 06:59 AM

Blah blah blah.




jrpgs in general aren't very challenging games.

I'm saying it makes it hard, and I don't use it because of that.

How the fuck does Free Run make it hard? Dodging anything becomes a joke with it.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 07:31 AM

jrpgs in general aren't very challenging games.
Only if you make them that way.

How the fuck does Free Run make it hard? Dodging anything becomes a joke with it.
Attacking anything becomes a joke with it.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 07:51 AM

Only if you make them that way.
I already said, I don't grind. I only fight things I run into. Actively trying to avoid all fights would get annoying and I can't live off generic plot and bad puzzles alone.

Attacking anything becomes a joke with it.
How so? If you're complaining about manual, yeah, Abyss manual is shit. I stuck with semi auto.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 07:59 AM

I already said, I don't grind. I only fight things I run into. Actively trying to avoid all fights would get annoying and I can't live off generic plot and bad puzzles alone.
I said nothing about grinding.

Posted by: Irysa Jun 26 2008, 09:25 AM

I got the impression that you meant that "grinding" took the challenge out of most jrpgs.

There just isn't any by default usually.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jun 26 2008, 04:30 PM


Posted by: Xephyr Feb 10 2009, 10:12 PM

Being a huge Tales of Symphonia fan, I made a quiz entitled "Which Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?". It took some work and I think it's very accurate.

For the record, I'd be Kratos. Tell me what you think and what you got!

Posted by: jcdietz03 Feb 10 2009, 11:14 PM

Well I liked ToP a lot. The DeJap version that is.
I thought it had a nice soundtrack.
A little too many random battles, but that is quickly alleviated with holy bottles.
The later tales games are better in that spell effects go off without stopping battle. Those constant stoppages got pretty annoying sometimes.
As for the story - I am a sucker for stories with anything involving time travel.

Posted by: Xephyr Feb 10 2009, 11:29 PM

QUOTE(Xephyr @ Feb 10 2009, 05:12 PM) *

Being a huge Tales of Symphonia fan, I made a quiz entitled "Which Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?". It took some work and I think it's very accurate.

For the record, I'd be Kratos. Tell me what you think and what you got!

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 12 2009, 04:55 PM




Posted by: Xephyr Feb 12 2009, 06:07 PM



Posted by: H. Tsukiyono Feb 12 2009, 11:46 PM


Yeah, you don't strike me as a Kratos.
Also, a number of those responses are pretty obvious. It's a little too easy to cheat.

Posted by: Rhiannon Feb 13 2009, 01:01 AM

I ended up with Regal, but because of the problem Tsuki wrote above, I was probably trying specifically to avoid answers that would lead me to the three characters I like most. :(

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Feb 13 2009, 05:57 AM

I find quiz things in general tend to be too obvious. So I don't tend to take them.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 16 2009, 04:35 PM

Every million of theese tests there comes one that actually is decent.


Tales of the Tempest.


I loled.

I also really want vesperia now to see if it really is slower, and if it is, I want to see if it really matters.

My big beef with certain tales games(like symphonia) is retardedly long combos while the boss is stuck in stagger, I turned off most knockdown moves because I don't even need to knock down the boss for some item time since hes not even able to touch me. Wall combo gogogogogo.

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Feb 17 2009, 01:17 AM

Vesperia is pretty awesome. Yuri with the right skills is pretty awesome too.

Posted by: Irysa Feb 17 2009, 06:21 AM

Yuri is clunky and has the most dumb recovery imaginable.

I don't care if I made vids to prove otherwise it feels like crap when actually playing.

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Feb 17 2009, 02:01 PM

The only character more combo-broken then Yuri is Rita though. And Rita doesn't really require anything other then a handful of skills and spamming Tidal Wave...

At least Yuri combos require a much bigger string of skills and Artes to get the desired results.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 17 2009, 04:33 PM

the most dumb recovery imaginable.

What do you mean by that, time after combo is done to be able to attack again? or how long it takes to get up/recover from a hit or what.

And even in symphonia every other character besides lloyd was clunky as all hell so that probably wont be an issue to me :/

Also, Tales of Vesperia movie? :| if so, WHEN WILL THEY LEARN.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 17 2009, 04:49 PM

And even in symphonia every other character besides lloyd was clunky as all hell so that probably wont be an issue to me :/
What in the hell are you talking about? No, they weren't.

Posted by: Yuka Feb 17 2009, 05:42 PM

QUOTE(Dr Sturm @ Feb 17 2009, 11:49 AM) *

And even in symphonia every other character besides lloyd was clunky as all hell so that probably wont be an issue to me :/
What in the hell are you talking about? No, they weren't.

A lot of characters in Symphonia weren't clunky. That's one of the few things that I do consider good about Symphonia now.

Posted by: Sigmund Feb 17 2009, 05:58 PM

I find the most fun person to use is Raven.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 17 2009, 08:28 PM

First off, thanks for responding to an opinion instead of my question.

I've hardly played any of the tales games so perhaps I don't know the meaning of clunky.

Collete was annoying to use even if I was doing good with her.
Regal is fine it's just very awkward getting used to him.
Sheena's ok I guess once you get used to lack of range.
Presea's saving grace for me is her stun resist since shes so slow.
Zelos/Kratos ok to play, slower lloyd :/ any order special attacks is always fun.

Lloyd is just so fluid, he probably broke my perception of everyone else


Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 17 2009, 11:45 PM

First off, thanks for responding to an opinion instead of my question.
We don't need any of your goddamn sass since your question wasn't directed at ANY of US.

Collete was annoying to use even if I was doing good with her.

WELL, not GOOD. Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives describe nouns. Beyond that, Sasha used Colette all the time and raped ass with her.

Zelos/Kratos ok to play, slower lloyd :/ any order special attacks is always fun.
Zelos and Kratos are "slower" because they only have one sword. And I have to disagree about this either way, as Zelos is insane. Not to mention they can both cast magic, which is a definite boon (especially if you abuse the infinite combo glitch, which, with no spells, Lloyd is incapable of doing).

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 18 2009, 12:29 AM

QUOTE(Dr Sturm)
Common grammar mistake I should have caught, blah blah blah, stuff I already know.

No shit he's slower because of one sword. Just because I'm not like OMG ROXXORZ doesn't mean I'm putting him down. Zelos's swings can also cover a great area around him(Which aside from the personality is why I use Zelos over Kratos) and Collete's great I just despise using her.

The infinite combo glitch is unnecessary and boring with he absurd amount of stagger you give most everyone. Abusing it in arena is even more boring. single target bossfights are generally a breeze as long as they don't overlimit every 2 seconds, which you can also partially control overlimit.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 18 2009, 01:22 AM

You need to pick an opinion and stick to it.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 18 2009, 01:32 AM

Zelos/Kratos ok to play, any order special attacks is always fun.

Collete was annoying to use even if I was doing good well with her.


Also my opinions do change every once in a while, sorry I'm not close minded.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 18 2009, 05:59 AM

There's a difference between an opinion changing and changing positions in an argument when it suits you.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 18 2009, 04:31 PM

I could always blindly defend my opinions even after I notice that what I said/thought was too extreme or stupid.

Doesn't that sound fun.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 18 2009, 06:26 PM

You could have. But instead you chose to break the rules.

Posted by: Irysa Feb 18 2009, 06:46 PM

bawww bawww.

Tales sucks anyway.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 18 2009, 08:19 PM

I'll remember not to admit mistakes/exaggerations in the future.

Sorry I took a deeper look into what cheeses me about other characters. It's not as exaggerated as them being clunky, but more along the lines of awkward compared to Zelos/Lloyd.

And until discussion about tales resumes, last post.

Posted by: Raijinili Feb 23 2009, 05:53 AM

When you admit to a mistake, you're supposed to do it humbly.

Posted by: Xephyr Feb 23 2009, 04:07 PM

I wish Tales would admit the mistake of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.


Okay... What's up with all these yaoi scenes with Emil and Richter? Oh, btw, Emil has NO SPINE. Grow a pair, you pathetic waste of character devlopment. I love how he flailed around his sword like a rabid banshee the first fight you have, before Ratatosk possession. :/

This game is NOTHING like the original. The "Centurions" are dumb (btw Aqua is voiced by the girl who voiced Etna in Disgaea, which was cool) and don't really tie in well to the original story. Lloyd's new voice actor is stupid; If they needed a new voice actor, they should've gone with his SC Legends voice. Also, if Kosuke Fujishima wasn't going to design the new characters at the time of creation of this game, then they should've put it off untill he could. The new characters look bleh, and what the hell happened to Yuan? He used to be cool, now he's queer. Recruiting monsters is cool but it sucks how you have to do it. The storyline is okay, but somewhat unoriginal. Symphonia would have been better off had this never been made.

Posted by: Sigmund Feb 23 2009, 08:43 PM

QUOTE(Xephyr @ Feb 23 2009, 04:07 PM) *

yaoi scenes

You say it as if you don't like it.

Posted by: LukewarmHoliday Feb 26 2009, 06:25 PM


Posted by: Sigmund Feb 27 2009, 06:23 PM

QUOTE(LukewarmHoliday @ Feb 26 2009, 06:25 PM) *




Posted by: The Angel of Ruin Mar 10 2009, 01:32 PM

@Xephyr- At least battles are kinda fun, if far too easy even on unknown. But other than that, it's probably barely better than Tempest.

If they needed a new voice actor, they should've gone with his SC Legends voice.

I thought Brian Beacock WAS the SC Legends VA for Lloyd?

Posted by: Xephyr Mar 10 2009, 02:35 PM

QUOTE(The Angel of Ruin @ Mar 10 2009, 09:32 AM) *

I thought Brian Beacock WAS the SC Legends VA for Lloyd?

I don't think so... I don't know Lloyd's SC voice actor's actual name, but they definitely don't sound alike.

Posted by: The Angel of Ruin Mar 11 2009, 03:13 PM

Wiki seems to think he did, but it could be wrong

IMDB says he did, and I doubt they're wrong.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 11 2009, 04:30 PM

IMDb is user-edited just like Wikipedia. Why would Wikipedia be wrong and not IMDb?

Posted by: The Angel of Ruin Mar 12 2009, 01:54 AM

Beats me. Either way, seems like BB may just be the VA.

Assuming Wiki and IMDB are right...

Posted by: Sigmund Mar 12 2009, 01:13 PM

QUOTE(The Angel of Ruin @ Mar 12 2009, 01:54 AM) *

Assuming Wiki and IMDB are right...


Posted by: Yuka Mar 12 2009, 08:31 PM

I've never understood that. Why does you assuming something make an ass out of me?

Posted by: chrishawke Mar 13 2009, 04:25 AM

Assuming comes from the word, "assume". If you would cut up the word "assume" with some creativity, it makes "ass", "u" and "me". The saying "Assuming makes an ass out of you and me." is derived from that, and that itself can convey a message.

Socially, it can mean that assuming, generally speaking, may lead to misunderstanding, tension, and even conflict, as the party's thoughts/opinions/whatever may not be in the same pool.

In my interpretation, the message means to avoid assuming things as much as possible and look for details/clarification. This can apply to life decision making, since it's really true, like, you have an appointment with a friend of yours and you remember it was this week. However, you don't remember the day, but you assume it's on a weekend since you'd expect he/she would be free from work/school and thus you spend the Friday playing video games. But then, when you meet with your friend on Saturday, he/she seems pissed. It turns out the appointment was on the Friday you've spent playing video games.

Though you can't help but assume that a function is continuous if the situation forces you to assume that the function is continuous, since you can't perform any basic calculus required for it if it isn't a continuous function. That would fall under "in certain circumstances". IF X=Y, THEN Y=0. IF THIS IS THAT, THEN THAT IS THIS. TOUGH SHIT, MAN.

Posted by: The Angel of Ruin Mar 16 2009, 12:02 PM


But, that's still an interesting analysis of the whole thing...