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Lacrima Castle _ Yggdra Game Help _ BF 31

Posted by: Mr. Sirius Nov 11 2008, 09:58 PM

When I visit the areas to get Marchen Wings, or 7-Star Sword, etc., I can't get them. They say I have some sort of evil relic that prevents me from accessing them. What item is it?

Posted by: Raijinili Nov 11 2008, 10:20 PM

Is there an item you have that only Roswell would want?

Posted by: Mr. Sirius Nov 11 2008, 10:52 PM

None. There are a few that only Pamela and Roswell would want, but that's about it.
Someone suggested it was the Skull Stone, and some others suggested it was another item.

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Nov 12 2008, 12:16 AM

The Skull Stone I think. At least in the original it was the only item that would stop you from being able to visit any cities/towns.

Posted by: Rhiannon Nov 12 2008, 02:37 AM

It's always the Skull Stone.