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Lacrima Castle _ Yggdra Union _ In connection to Riviera....

Posted by: tempest drake Oct 12 2009, 05:06 AM

I was wondering this for a while, though this may have been asked previously but assuming that Yggdra Union is canon with Riviera: The Promised Land, how many years, decades, centuries would you think this game takes place before Riviera?

Though obviously, this should be sometime after the great battle between the chaotic Seth Ra and her cabala of Accursed, to which brought out the Seven Magi after the gods have been put to sleep(if i remember correctly) but obviously some time before the events of Ein's quest to inevitably destroy one of the Magi Hector to whom is mentioned in the PSP remake of Yggdra Union and also most likely before Malice has become the false Grim Angel that she is(to which i will remind everyone that I still think that NO.367 is infact Malice and i will not let anyone change my mind about this

Posted by: mattiator Oct 14 2009, 01:07 AM

I'd personally think it would take place about 1000 years before Riviera, with Ending B being the canon ending in that case. Ending A... Not so sure.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Oct 14 2009, 04:11 AM

So you think the ending where Brongaa is revived and kills everyone is the canon ending and that it leads into Riviera somehow like that?
YU has to take place with a relatively close to Riviera in time, what with them already being at #367. Of course, I can't remember Malice's model number.

Posted by: jcdietz03 Oct 14 2009, 10:30 PM

I don't get this at all.

The beginning of Rivera:
Demons invade the realm of the gods.
Gods can't win.
Gods create Grim Angels.
Gods win, but are sealed away themselves along with the demons.
1000 years later, the demons begin to awaken...

Maybe some of that is wrong, so please correct me.
But anyway, who from Yggdra Union are the gods, and who are the demons?
So you're saying the YU ending where

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is the canon ending, and Yddgra and friends are the demons from the Riviera opening?

Posted by: tempest drake Oct 15 2009, 06:57 AM

Technically jc there is no actual proof that Yggdra killed anything besides a butt load of Bronquia guys, Nessiah, a prototype grim angel, a bunch of their servants and among other things, possibly a grim angel or two...

Also no, in the Ending D(the secret hard ending that you get if you beat #367) clearly states that the "Liberation Army"(I now do not consider them liberators now that they've successfully done the exact same thing that Gulcasa and his empire has done to Yggdra and the Kingdom, but getting back to what I was talking about, the ending clearly states that they fight the Seven Magi (and thus Hector) which was called "The Trial" and though I have to play Riviera again to see if they were any hints to said event happened...

Also to what you were implying, no you're thinking WAY before the events of...possibly before the first rulers of Paltina and Bronquia ever existed(and possibly even before Brongaa though he's probably thousands of years old himself) the great war between the gods and the demons actually...had demons in it, real demons not abnormally powerful humans that can destroy mankind with a bloody card, it's not possible and this isn't freaking Yu-Gi-Oh!

Posted by: mattiator Oct 21 2009, 11:43 PM

QUOTE(Dr Sturm @ Oct 13 2009, 10:11 PM) *

So you think the ending where Brongaa is revived and kills everyone is the canon ending and that it leads into Riviera somehow like that?
YU has to take place with a relatively close to Riviera in time, what with them already being at #367. Of course, I can't remember Malice's model number.

Ending B is not the ending you're saying. That's Ending C. And I haven't played the PSP game. And I guess that idea behind #367 does make sense, but aren't angels immortal anyway?

Posted by: tempest drake Oct 22 2009, 02:24 AM

Oh I doubt that, Angels are probably just more...resilient than a normal human or sprite but they can obviously be killed if enough damage is dealt(atleast Grim Angels, the grim angels that we've seen have been killed given the circumstances i.e. the use of a divine weapon to deal the final blow such as the Gran Centurio or a Diviner) and even that was supposedly considered to be "god" like Seth-Rah was susceptible to death

Posted by: Dr Sturm Oct 22 2009, 06:49 AM

Ending B is not the ending you're saying. That's Ending C.
Wrong so wrong dear god. That was the point: none of you seem to know which ending is which. Brongaa is Ending B. B FOR BRONGAA.

but aren't angels immortal anyway?
In Christian mythology, but the series hardly adheres to that.

the grim angels that we've seen have been killed given the circumstances
Canonically we've only seen one real Grim Angel killed.

Posted by: tempest drake Oct 22 2009, 07:14 AM

That's a good point Sturm(poor poor Ledah) and I probably should've said that I was talking about Ending D

Also considering with the number experiment that they're on, I wonder if these were merely for making a proper user for Skadi(which might have been at P-3, 4 or already perfected at that point in time) or if there were more prototype Diviners(since they've never really explained this)

Posted by: San Aurora Oct 23 2009, 02:56 AM

I want to know why a Magi is alive in Riviera when YU states that they are the gods, who apparently sacrificed themselves to create grim angels.

Posted by: tempest drake Oct 23 2009, 03:28 AM

where does it say that? sure in Yggdra Union the group doesn't know that the gods were sealed away but there were no references stating that they sacrificed themselves to create the grim angels( actually I'm sure that Riviera doens't say that either)

Where are you getting your information from?

Posted by: Rhiannon Oct 23 2009, 09:08 AM

Well, maybe they thought it would be smart to leave one behind to make sure things are okay.

Posted by: San Aurora Oct 23 2009, 11:56 AM

It says so in Rivi's intro. And Ending D in YUPSP states that the Magi are the gods.

Posted by: Raijinili Oct 24 2009, 02:41 AM

The more I read you people talk about Dept. Heaven mythos, the more it makes less sense.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Oct 24 2009, 05:18 AM

It says so in Rivi's intro. And Ending D in YUPSP states that the Magi are the gods.
Uh, please give a text dump? I haven't reached Ending D in YUPSP, but in Riviera and Kitten, the Magi are NOT the gods. If YU hints otherwise, then it would be due to narrative perspective: the ignorant humans are the ones whose perspectives are represented, so anything they hear/misbelieve is what we're given as narrative truth.

Posted by: San Aurora Oct 28 2009, 08:32 PM

I don't know how to rip things from ISOs. But, I'll post some screenshots.

:/ I didn't want to have to link to imageshack, but I failed at using image tags.

So, yeah. It says they're the gods, which is monumentally confusing, since YU is confirmed to take place before Ragnarok, yet the Magi are being called gods and have grim angels at their command. Apparently the original gods were not the Magi, but were succeeded by them after they spilled their blood for the purpose of grim angels. This one extra chapter and ending screws a bunch of things up.

Posted by: tempest drake Nov 1 2009, 03:18 AM

Actually Yggdra says that because she doesn't know of the fate that the gods have fallen(their sealing away along with Seth and the Accursed)

What those screen mention was nothing that we already knew of sadly...

Also none of that gives any hint as to the Magi being the gods as in the humans perspective, the gods are still awake and moving about, nothing more...also this is coming from the perspective of humans to, again, do not know of the fate of the actual gods

Posted by: Dr Sturm Nov 1 2009, 07:36 PM

So, yeah. It says they're the gods, which is monumentally confusing, since YU is confirmed to take place before Ragnarok, yet the Magi are being called gods and have grim angels at their command. Apparently the original gods were not the Magi, but were succeeded by them after they spilled their blood for the purpose of grim angels. This one extra chapter and ending screws a bunch of things up.

My only assumption is that this is a localization error.

Posted by: Rhiannon Nov 2 2009, 12:17 AM

Someone tell me how they're writing Magi in Japanese (in Riviera) and I'll check.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Nov 2 2009, 04:33 AM


The Seven Wise Men of Goth.

Posted by: Rhiannon Nov 2 2009, 07:55 AM

Looks like it's not, though I have an of what appears to be the line.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Nov 3 2009, 03:14 AM

Could you take a picture of the ending? Because it's easy for some grunt to say "Oh you mean my boss, who isn't who you're talking about, right," but that ending text is really the clincher, I think.