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Lacrima Castle _ Riviera _ Riviera Mythology Origins

Posted by: valkan Dec 23 2005, 09:06 PM

I'll get the ball rolling:

'Kruez' is French for Cross.

The Fanelia sword has roots in Latin. "Fanal" is the Latin word meaning 'light house' or 'light stick'.

'ia' is the suffix for establishing it as a verb. "Fanel~ia" beam literally means 'light-giving' beam.

Something along those lines.....

Posted by: Kohaku Dec 24 2005, 01:59 AM

I'll say the obvious things..

1) The whole idea of "Ragnarok", "Asgard" and such came entirely from Norse mythology.

2) Longinus is the name of the Soldier in Christian history that stabbed Jesus with his spear.

Posted by: Kohaku Dec 24 2005, 06:07 AM

Though, it's kind of weird how many games (especially RPGs) have names and ideas and places from different mythologies.

Posted by: Vixen1977 Dec 24 2005, 11:23 AM

Erm Val, I thought "crois" or "croix" was French for cross?

Anyway... back on topic... to speak to Kohak - I remember on the older LC board Rai and I discussing that world religions and mythologies aside, there seems to be a central database of names that sound cool which game programmers always seem to use, e.g. some names of weapons in Riviera are also in FFTA, SS2 and "classic" RPGs like Baldur's Gate.

Posted by: Swifty-chan Dec 24 2005, 01:21 PM

I thought Fanelia is from Escaflowne! ><'

Posted by: forsakensmile Dec 24 2005, 02:34 PM

Haha yes but since people know Latin and it makes sense, what the heck.

Hm though this is more Yggdra I noticed the spear the Undine wields in the art really resembles the Lance of Longinus in Evangelion. With the twists and all.

Posted by: regruBgniK Dec 24 2005, 04:11 PM

*Sad that LC died*


Oh wellz, what exactly does "Trie Noir" mean?

Much thankies.


Posted by: Leyviur Dec 24 2005, 06:42 PM

It means "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll fuck you with a rake."

Posted by: regruBgniK Dec 24 2005, 06:59 PM

>.> You have a thing with rakes, no?


Posted by: Kohaku Dec 24 2005, 08:51 PM

Are you related to Sideshow Bob? He -loves- rakes.

Posted by: Vixen1977 Dec 24 2005, 10:05 PM

Noir is French for black.
Trie means screen.
So trie noir translates as black screen.

Posted by: regruBgniK Dec 25 2005, 12:51 AM's blue.

T3H 1337 10G1|<!!111!


Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 25 2005, 01:27 AM

It could be metaphorical.

Posted by: regruBgniK Dec 25 2005, 01:52 AM

N0000!!!! /\/\0r3 13373r 10G1|<!!11!!!!shift+one!!!

Yeah, you're probably right. Or something.


Posted by: Swiyth Dec 25 2005, 03:13 AM

oh man. the leet is scrambling my brains.

Posted by: Raijinili Dec 25 2005, 07:22 AM

QUOTE (Vixen1977 @ Dec 24 2005, 10:05 PM)
Noir is French for black.
Trie means screen.
So trie noir translates as black screen.

From what I'm seeing, "Trie" is the verb "screen" rather than the noun.

Posted by: Swifty-chan Dec 25 2005, 02:24 PM

Does the name 'Diviner' actually has a meaning?

Posted by: forsakensmile Dec 25 2005, 02:30 PM

Well divine as a verb means to tell the future by some occult means. So a diviner would be a tool to that. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER.

It probably just sounds cool.

Posted by: Swifty-chan Dec 25 2005, 02:35 PM

And Lorelei and Einherjar and Skadi?

Posted by: forsakensmile Dec 25 2005, 02:37 PM

Posted on the old forums, gone now.

Einherjar is something like the warriors of Valhalla who will join the Gods at Ragnarok to fight or something like that.

Skadi was an ice giant i think Can't remember.

Lorelei was some woman who had a tragic story which I can't remember. Haha Google it.

Posted by: Swifty-chan Dec 25 2005, 02:40 PM

I thought Skadi IS some ice... er... queen? @_@'

Google I shall! ><'

Posted by: valkan Dec 25 2005, 04:23 PM

Lorelei was a woman who was betrayed by her man. She through herself into a river, and died.

She became a ghost, who lured men to their DOOM.

That's all I remember.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 26 2005, 03:16 AM

QUOTE (forsakensmile @ Dec 25 2005, 08:30 AM)
Well divine as a verb means to tell the future by some occult means. So a diviner would be a tool to that. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER.

It probably just sounds cool.

Divine is also a an advective that means holy.

But it could make sense in a way. Diviner meaning future bringer or whatever you'd like to say.

Posted by: Jan Akiyama Dec 26 2005, 03:31 AM

I don't understand how it associates it to fire but oh well. You probably figured out what ragnarok or Armageddon is mut I'll just lay it out.

Armageddon is something like a final judgement of sorts.
Ragnarok is the norse interpretation of the Apocalypse. PBasically put, god and hell make a war against each other and in turn get fried.

Undines are sort of like water spirits that can only get a soul when they marry a human. Kinda lame actually.

The only thing about Isher that I found was that it was a female weapon seller in a futuristic novel about how weapons were "freedom".

Aghart gave me nothing.

Lindwurm acually gave me alot. Its a dragon similar to a wyvern and in legends its either a bringer of goodluck or its this ferocious but intelligent beast.

Archangel is a higher rank of angel. Thats about all I got.

Death is death. There isn' much to describe the great reaper.

Zantetsu means cutting metal. A shorten version of Zantetsuken which is basically sword that cuts metal. Self explanatory.

Kikuichimonji is a sword created by a swordmaker under the name of Kikuichimonji Norimune. Its actually a real thing and its said that the quality of the blade surpasses even the Nagesone Kotetsu. Okay...I know too much about weapons...

Flamberge is a sword created with serated edges. Its made to hack and cause pain but its pretty useless other than that.

Zephyr means wind.

An estoc is a thin blade made for stabbing. It usually has a wrist guard that is similar to a lance guard.

Rosier is a fallen angel.

Longinus is the spear that pierced Christ during the cruxifiction but its used all too commonly.

Gai bolg is a partizan-like spear made to stab and cause pain even when pulled out.

Divine wind is self explanatory.

Southern cross hales from the constellation that is in the shape of a cross. The constellation is used in a number of flags and shields.

Seth is a biblical figure that was the son of Adam. How this has anything related to Seth in the game I have no clue.

Posted by: Raijinili Dec 26 2005, 08:11 AM

For Divine Wind, or Kamikaze, the islands of Japan was once protected by a storm that blocked invaders' ships from attacking.

I always thought of Seth as Set, especially with the other half being Rah. Seth-Rah = Set-Ra.

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 26 2005, 09:17 AM

okay. Skadi, as i remember FS saying, is an icegiant.

apparently, she wanted to marry a god. she got her wish one way or another when something screwed up, and she was allowed to pick a god husband. theres a trick to this, though, as i remember, and she was only allowed to look at their feet to choose.

then, she made her choice. her husband was actually an old and ugly god or something. eventually, she divorced him and married another god.

the pooooooor bastard.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 28 2005, 12:01 AM

Salvaged from the decaying ruins of the old LCN forum.
Some of this may have been posted, but I just copied and pasted what looked important:

The Einherjar are the heroes who have died with great bravery on the battle fields. These heroes are prepared in Valhalla for the oncoming battle of Ragnarok. In the morning they are woken by the crowing of the cock Gullinkambi ("golden comb"). During the day they train and fight, until they cut each other to pieces. At night they feast at Odin's side and their wounds are miraculously healed.

On the day of Ragnarok, the bravest of the Einherjar will march with Odin to battle the frost giants, the enemies of the gods.

A giantess, called the 'snow-shoe goddess', and the embodiment of winter. She is the wife of the god Njord. When her father Thiazi was slain by the gods, Skadi wanted to take revenge. The gods thought it wiser to reconciliate and offered her a marriage with one of them. She was free to marry any god, but while she made her choice she was only allowed to see the feet of the potential candidates. She noticed a very elegant pair and, convinced that their owner was the fair god Balder, she choose them. Unfortunately for her, those feet belonged to the older god Njord.

The marriage between Njord and Skadi was not a happy one. She wanted to live where her father had lived, in Thrymheim in the mountains, and Njord wanted to live in Noatun, his palace by the sea. So they agreed to spend the first nine days in the mountains and the following nine days by the sea. This arrangement did not work out very well, and they separated. Eventually, Skadi left Njord for the god Ull.

According to German legend, there was once a beautiful young maiden, named Lorelei, who threw herself headlong into the river in despair over a faithless lover. Upon her death she was transformed into a siren and could from that time on be heard singing on a rock along the Rhine River, near St. Goar. Her hypnotic music lured sailors to their death. The legend is based on an echoing rock with that name near Sankt Goarshausen, Germany.

Well Einherjar makes sense, Ein = heroic and all that.. Skadi too, since in the myth she was the 'embodiment of winter'. Lorelei doesn't make too much sense though. Shall be back with more if possible.

Asgard, in Norse mythology, is one of the nine worlds and the homeland of the Aesir, the race of warrior gods. Located on the highest level of the Norse universe, it is surrounded by a high wall of closely fitted stone blocks.

Also found on this level are the worlds of Alfheim and Vanaheim as well as Valhalla, an immense hall where warriors slain in battle await the final conflict.

In the middle of Asgard lies the plain of Idavoll (or Ida) where the Aesir meet to decide important issues. There the gods assemble in the hall of Gladsheim and the goddesses in the hall of Vingolf. The gods also meet daily at the Well of Urd, beneath the Asgard root of the ash tree Yggdrasil.

In Norse mythology, the abode of the giants, situated in Jotunheim. Loki had his castle here.

In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil ("The Terrible One's Horse"), also called the World Tree, is the giant ash tree that links and shelters all the worlds. Beneath the three roots the realms of Asgard, Jotunheim, and Niflheim are located. Three wells lie at its base: the Well of Wisdom (Mímisbrunnr), guarded by Mimir; the Well of Fate (Urdarbrunnr), guarded by the Norns; and the Hvergelmir (Roaring Kettle), the source of many rivers.

Gae Bulg
"Notched spear". In Old Irish legend, the wonderful spear of Cuchulainn. The notches were created to do the most damage when it was extracted from the body. The spear was made from the bone of a large sea-monster that died in a fight on shore with another of its kind. Cuchulainn received the spear as a gift from Aiofe, the woman-warrior of Alba, and mother of his only son, Connla. With this spear he killed Connla, unbeknownst of the fact that it was his own son. With Gae Bulg he also killed his best friend Ferdiad in the War for the Brown Bull. In the last fight Cuchulainn fought, he hurled the spear at the satirist who demanded it of him; but Cuchulainn died soon after without it.

Derived from the flamberge, a sword borne by Charlemagne and Renaud de Montauban. It was forged by the smith Galas, and was one of nine blades shattered by Olivier's sword, Hauteclere. Don't know this story? Search on wiki. biggrin.gif

The Lance of Longinus is claimed to be the spear that pierced the side of Jesus when he was on the cross (John 19:31-37). Later Christian tradition named the soldier that pierced Christ's side as Gaius Cassius, and he is later called Longinus.

Diana's Bow
Diana was the perpetual virgin goddess of the hunt, associated with wild animals and forests. She was also a moon goddess, and an emblem of chastity. Oak groves were especially sacred to her. She was praised for her strength, athletic grace, beauty and her hunting skills.
That explains it...

Rosier was a fallen angel, specifically a Dominion of the Second Sphere. He is the patron demon of tainted love and seduction. It is this angel which leads men and women into unrequited love which can only result in torment of spirit, heart and soul and additionally into carnal sin.
LOL unexplainable

An estoc is a type of sword common in the 16th century. It was long, straight and stiff, with a diamond cross-section. An estoc had no cutting edge, just a point. It was used to pierce enemies when armour improved such that slicing weapons were no longer effective. It could go through crevices in plate armour and disjoint chainmail and was thus a very effective weapon then.

"Kiku" means chrysanthemum. "ichimonji" can refer to the Japanese kanji for "one", but I think that in this case, it refers to the "Ichimonji", a group of swordsmiths who aided the Emperor Gotoba in developing swords. Apparently, Emperor Gotoba was an avid swordsmith. With the help of the Ichimonji, he commissioned many swords (and supposedly made a few). However, the Emperor was not permitted to sign his name on the sword, so he used a chrysanthemum with 16 or 24 petals. Hence, the name "kikuichimonji".
Got this from a not-so-reliable source.. So I'm not so sure but should be true.

Searched it up on Google, turn out there was an anime called Boken Oh Beet Excelion, actually a sequel to the anime Boken Oh Beet. I only managed to dig out a storyline on the latter, so basically it's about a world under the rule of a devil, and there's this boy called Beet who joins this Zenon Squad to fight the monsters around. Basically he screws up, the rest of the team die, but manage to transfer their life energies into their weapons, and giving them to Beet.

Fans of Escaflowne would have found this name familiar. biggrin.gif It's a small kingdom in Gaea ruled by the Fanel family. It was demolished by Zaibach at the start of the series, but was rebuilt by the end of it. It apparently heavily resembles Meiji-era Japan.

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 28 2005, 05:44 AM

thanks, Sturm. saved us a bunch more of typing.

well, thats all of the info from the old forums?

Posted by: regruBgniK Dec 29 2005, 01:25 AM

QUOTE (Raijinili @ Dec 26 2005, 08:11 AM)
For Divine Wind, or Kamikaze, the islands of Japan was once protected by a storm that blocked invaders' ships from attacking.

I always thought of Seth as Set, especially with the other half being Rah. Seth-Rah = Set-Ra.

Oh damnit! I was just about to put that. ;_;


Posted by: Swiyth Dec 29 2005, 05:55 AM

hmm.......i thought Kamikaze was a sacrifice move by WW2 japs.

they loaded planes filled with bombs and ran straight into enemy battleships. if they didn't die, they had guns to shoot themselves in the head with.

Posted by: Raijinili Dec 29 2005, 08:44 PM

Silly honor, eh?

The kamikaze pilots were named after the Divine Wind of Japan's history.

Posted by: Jan Akiyama Dec 29 2005, 10:52 PM

Not so divine in WW2 haha. On a better note, Kikuichimonji does exist. But the name is of a swordsmith not a sword. The full name is Kikuichimonji Norimune. Swordsmiths usually name swords after themselves so people like Nagasone Kotetsu, Soshu Masamune, Sengo Muramasa and Yamato Kaneuji. So no, there really isn't much legend on it. It really is just historical names stuck conveniently into video games for more variety.

Posted by: Raijinili Dec 29 2005, 11:19 PM

The name in the Japanese game was "Shin Zantetsu".

Posted by: regruBgniK Dec 30 2005, 12:48 AM

QUOTE (Swiyth @ Dec 29 2005, 05:55 AM)
hmm.......i thought Kamikaze was a sacrifice move by WW2 japs.

they loaded planes filled with bombs and ran straight into enemy battleships. if they didn't die, they had guns to shoot themselves in the head with.

Yes, that too. But it MEANS Divine Wind, and they used it becuase, without the storm, they would have lost the war.

And.... running into something with a plane full og bombs... pretty much makes sure you're gonna die. No bullet in the hbead required.


Posted by: Swiyth Dec 30 2005, 03:07 AM

well, not really. if they manage to drop into water before the thing explodes in their face, they survive. but they'd hate that D:

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 30 2005, 03:18 AM

I don't think you know what a kamikaze pilot is.

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 30 2005, 03:22 AM

who, me?

i only know a bit about them from books.

they were japanese soldiers who would die for their country and if they survived, they considered it a dishonor. so if they survived a blast, they shoot themselves. though its unlikely that i'll ever survive a bombblast.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 30 2005, 04:03 AM

That's not what I mean.
You would not survive a kamikaze attack.

Why are we discussing this anyways? I don't believe 'kamikaze' appears anywhere in Riviera.

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 30 2005, 04:24 AM're right. the title says Riviera Mythology Origins.


Ein Kamikazes?!!! yay!

Posted by: blues 3 Dec 30 2005, 05:12 AM

...and when did this happen?

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 30 2005, 05:18 AM

just a joke, just a joke........

but anyways, how about the names from Riviera? Etchel, Ledah, those kind.

do those have any mythical relations?

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 30 2005, 05:28 AM

Did you even read the rest of the thread?

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 30 2005, 05:30 AM

well, for one, thats Excellion. not Etchel.

is there even a chance that their names can come from myths?

Posted by: Raijinili Dec 30 2005, 02:23 PM

Kamikaze was the Japanese name for the attack, so it counts.

And "Ecthel" is spelled the same way as "Excel" in Japanese katakana.

Posted by: Swiyth Dec 30 2005, 02:45 PM

yeah. so i heard from Chardes.

hmm....but still, i wonder if their names are anything from mythology.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 30 2005, 06:20 PM

QUOTE (Raijinili @ Dec 30 2005, 08:23 AM)
Kamikaze was the Japanese name for the attack, so it counts.

And "Ecthel" is spelled the same way as "Excel" in Japanese katakana.

If it was in the game (I don't really remember it) then it was probably in reference not to suicide missions, but the typhoon that supposedly saved Japan.

Posted by: Raijinili Dec 31 2005, 03:43 PM

Well duh, which is why I didn't mention the pilots.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Dec 31 2005, 09:00 PM

Maybe you didn't.
Others did.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jan 2 2006, 02:51 AM

Just discovered this randomly on Babelfish.
Lacrima is Italian for "Tear".
When trying to figure out which "tear", wikipedia told me it was also Latin for tear (crying tear by the way).

Posted by: Yourself Jan 5 2006, 03:15 AM

Diviner is someone who can tell the future.

Ignis is apparently fool.

All of Fia's OS' are music types, kinds, and styles.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jan 5 2006, 03:18 AM

Diviner was already mentioned.
I think Ignis was too.

Posted by: Yourself Jan 6 2006, 02:39 AM


Aghart; hmm...I often think of Aghart as a phoenix, which he probably is. But everyone probably knows a thing or two about phoenixes that I don't need to search.

Posted by: untouch Jan 6 2006, 07:55 AM

The red Diviner Lorelei is a fire-based spear used by the Grim Angel Ledah. Ledah refuses to use any other weapon. While in your party, Lorelei's Execution Level skill is "Lost Seraph". Later, Ledah uses "Crimson Correges" as Lorelei's Execution Level when fighting Ein, then "Rose Kreuz" in his "Awakened" form. Lorelei's name seems to have come from the German legend of the rock Lorelei.(got this stuff from wiki)
i dun tink lorelei is a woman though the name is same, the last sentence ...

Posted by: Yourself Jan 10 2006, 04:43 AM

Nevermind about Ignis, its actually spelled Ignus.

It means Fire, not Fool :P

Posted by: Ryu_Dragon_King Jan 31 2006, 08:47 PM

If you look at the Wikipedia website right It states most of the stuff. (and it's how I found this site. ^___^)

Posted by: Dr Sturm Jan 31 2006, 09:22 PM

The Riviera Wiki is not the most accurate article. Of course, it's been a while since I looked through it, it might be a bit more accurate now.
And the wiki article doesn't cover half the things listed in this thread.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jan 31 2006, 11:13 PM

Zantetsuken is the weapon (and attack) used in Final Fantasy (since FFIV, I believe) by the summon Odin. It's an extremely powerful, instant-kill move.

And yeah, Longinus is really popular.

It still makes me laugh how Ledah is explaining all this serious stuff about it and then Ein goes, "Can I keep it?" XD

Posted by: Raijinili Feb 2 2006, 12:34 AM

Why are we saying, "This name comes from some other game"?

Zantetsu has a story behind it from before Final Fantasy.

Posted by: Leyviur Feb 2 2006, 04:26 AM

The Zantetsuken is merely a sword tha can cut metal. There's no real 'history' to it, IIRC, because a lot of weapons that could cut through steel was called a 'zantetsuken.'

Posted by: Raijinili Feb 3 2006, 01:33 AM


Posted by: Leyviur Feb 3 2006, 05:43 AM

That doesn't even make sense.

Posted by: Raijinili Feb 3 2006, 06:40 AM


Posted by: Feral Phoenix Feb 4 2006, 05:50 PM

I didn't say "it came from another game", just that it was used in something else...

And "kreuz" is the GERMAN word for "cross". "Croix" is the French word for cross.

Posted by: Nanashi Feb 9 2006, 10:21 PM

Hector is the name of a great magician of the greeks I believe...

Seth could also be a reference to the Egyptian god Set... who was the god of chaos...

Rosier is the name of a fallen angel in gnostic mythology...

that's all i could dig up for now...

Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 9 2006, 10:25 PM

You should read through the rest of the thread before posting.

Posted by: Nanashi Feb 9 2006, 10:50 PM

who me? I did... the only thing that was repaeated was Seth and i provided completed different info...

Posted by: Raijinili Feb 11 2006, 01:12 AM

I said that Seth was Set and Rah was Ra.

Posted by: Ebe Nov 1 2006, 08:13 AM

Ursula was a Nun who later became a saint.

Hectors attack "Etherion" is based on the Greek concept of Aether, the Heavenly void of the sky.

EDIT: Aghart is based on Agharta, another name for Shangrila, the mystical city that exists within the center of the Earth.

Posted by: Criptych Jun 25 2007, 10:42 PM

QUOTE(Jan Akiyama @ Dec 25 2005, 11:31 PM) *
Armageddon is something like a final judgement of sorts. Ragnarok is the norse interpretation of the Apocalypse. PBasically put, god and hell make a war against each other and in turn get fried.

"Armageddon" comes from the Hebrew "har megiddon," or "the Hill of," just outside the city of Megiddo, where the Final War for Earth will take place. In fact, it was the site of several battles, mostly due to its strategic location on a popular trade route.
By the way, the word "apocalypse" (apokalypso) actually has nothing to do with the war-- it's Greek for "uncovering," or "revelation" (hence the biblical title). What we call "the Apocalypse" refers to the vision "revealed" to John regarding the end times.

QUOTE(Jan Akiyama @ Dec 25 2005, 11:31 PM) *
Archangel is a higher rank of angel.

More Greek; it literally means "first messenger."

QUOTE(Jan Akiyama @ Dec 25 2005, 11:31 PM) *
Zantetsu means cutting metal.

QUOTE(Raijinili @ Feb 2 2006, 09:33 PM) *

"Shin" has a few different meanings, but the character used in your screenshot means "truth." So, it means "true metal-cutter."

QUOTE(Jan Akiyama @ Dec 25 2005, 11:31 PM) *
Zephyr means wind.

Also refers to the Greek god of the

QUOTE(Jan Akiyama @ Dec 25 2005, 11:31 PM) *
Rosier is a fallen angel.

" was a fallen angel, specifically a Dominion of the Second Sphere. He is the patron demon of tainted love and seduction."

QUOTE(Jan Akiyama @ Dec 25 2005, 11:31 PM) *
Gai bolg is a partizan-like spear made to stab and cause pain even when pulled out.

I think someone mentioned this, but it's also the trademark weapon ofúchullain of Irish legend.

Sorry if I've repeated some things already said, I'm just trying to clarify them and maybe add some insight.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 1 2014, 06:30 PM

On Tetyth:

In Japanese, it is rendered in Katakana as テティス (Wikipedia[JP]:Riviera) which, according to both WikiJP and, is both the name of the moon Tethys (but not the Greek sea god for which said moon was named, テーテュース) and one of the lesser Greek sea gods Thetis, granddaughter of Tethys, "with whom she sometimes shares characteristics" (Wikipedia:Thetis). It is also one rendering of the name of the Mesozoic Tethys Sea covering much of Cenozoic Europe.
With th being transliterated somewhat irregularly as either t, s, or z, especially on the part of Sting, it's possible this was meant either as Tethys or as Thetis, though I lean towards the former. I'm uncertain at the moment if Tetyth was a romanization by Sting or a translation by Atlus.