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Lacrima Castle _ Riviera _ Ledah and Malice's Bath Scenes

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Feb 17 2006, 09:59 PM


But there needed to be some, so here they are.


(on the field, first screen of Undine Springs)

Ein: Huh... I wonder where Ledah's gotten to. He doesn't seem to be around anywhere...

Rose: (......)

Ein: Well, I guess I'd better go say hi to Meute before we leave. Let's go. [MOVE right]

(CG: "Fleeting Tranquility" - I've already drawn this one and you can find it in the fanart section)

Ledah: ............ *splashing sound*

Ein: ...?!

Ledah: ............ *sigh*

Ein: L-Ledah?!

Ledah: ...!! ...Ein... what are you doing here?

Ein: Actually, um, I was looking for you...

Ledah: ............

Ein: I... I'm really... really sorry... I didn't mean to barge in like this...

Ledah: ............

Ein: I, um, I guess I'll be going now...

Ledah: ...Wait...

Ein: ...?

Ledah: You... can stay, if... you'd like...

Ein: Huh? Well...

(change to CG - "Best of Friends" - not yet drawn. Ledah is sitting on the black rock, looking over his shoulder. He has one leg crossed in front of him and the other foot in the water, with his hands both resting on his ankle so that you can't see anything bad. Ein is standing behind him with a happy expression, scrubbing Ledah's back. Ledah's wings provide enough cover for him.)

Ledah: ......*splashing sound*

Ein: Heheh... how's that?

Ledah: ......... Hmmm...

Ein: Well?

Ledah: That feels... really good...

Ein: Haha... it's been so long since the two of us have relaxed like this... hasn't it?

Ledah: ...Yes...

Ein: *splashing sound* Come to think of it, I haven't really seen you take any kind of breaks since you became a Grim Angel...

Ledah: .........

Ein: I'm not blaming you. I know it's not your fault.

Ledah: .........Ein.

Ein: Is something wrong?

Ledah: ...Why are you stopping...?

Ein: Ah...! Right, right. *splashing sound*

Ledah: ...mmmmm...*heart*

Ein: You scrub my back too when I'm done, okay?

Ledah: Alright...

(cut back to field as they exit the spring)

Ein: Wow, I feel so much better now!

Ledah: ...As do I.

Ein: See? Taking a little time off does you a lot of good!

Ledah: ...Perhaps...

Rose: (I will never understand you two... *pawprint*)

Posted by: fensti Feb 17 2006, 10:01 PM

*laughing* That's good.

Posted by: Leyviur Feb 17 2006, 10:01 PM

Must everything be Ledah x Ein hinting with you?

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Feb 17 2006, 10:23 PM

QUOTE (Leyviur @ Feb 17 2006, 10:01 PM)
Must everything be Ledah x Ein hinting with you?

Possibly. Although this one is more of a friendship slant than pairing.

Oh, whoops! I forgot to add the results of the scene... ^ ^;;;~

(Ledah: Trust +1, Mood -6)


(CG - "Behind the Facade" - not drawn yet. Waist-up shot of Malice, who is sitting in the water, which just comes up to her chest. Her hair is hanging down also to help cover. Lulu, clothed, is hovering at her shoulder.)

Malice: ...Ugh... This water is freezing.

Lulu: What's the matter, can't handle it?

Malice: Pffft, you wish. *splashing sound* Hmm~ It's been a long time since I've been able to take a long bath like this.

Lulu: Heh. What, they don't have springs in Asgard?

Malice: Sort of... besides, I was always too busy to visit the public baths anyway. I haven't done this since I was a child...

Lulu: ......

Malice: But back then, I used to take Mother all the time... it was one of the few things that helped ease the pain of her wounds...

Lulu: ......

Malice: Haha... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about this now.

Lulu: It's okay. We all have sad stories, in our own ways.

Malice: ......Thank you. *splashing sound* Say...

Lulu: What?

Malice: You've seen far more of Ein than I have, recently. What's he like?

Lulu: Well, that certainly came out of nowhere. When he first came to Elendia, I didn't really trust him at all. But he was always very patient with me, and he's kind to Meute, even though he could've done so many bad things to her because of her condition... He's done so much for all of us here... and he's working so hard to protect Riviera. He really is a good person.

Ein: (.........)

Lulu: Why? Didn't you two know each other?

Malice: If you could call it that... we haven't seen much of each other for years, not since we were very young. It's been so long, and I've become... curious.

Lulu: Oh, really...? How about telling me about the Ein you remember?

Malice: ...Eh...?

Lulu: Come on... why are you so quiet all of a sudden?

Malice: .........*sweatdrop*

Lulu: Tell me! How do you feel about him?

Ein: ......?! *blunt sound*

Malice: Ah... E-Ein...?

Lulu: Of course, he does have his bad points, too *sweatdrop*

Ein: Uh...

Malice: Ahhhhhh!! Ein, you... you pervert!! Get out of here... get out right now, or else!!

(cut back to field as Ein leaves the spring)

Ein: I wasn't expecting that...

Rose: (Sure you weren't.)

(Malice: Trust -5, Mood -5)

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Feb 18 2006, 07:44 PM

I like! Very much. ^-^

Nice job.

Posted by: Swifty-chan Feb 19 2006, 12:25 AM

The first one has Ledah x Ein hinting... but I guess Ledah did not scream and thrash Ein because they're both males. It's like you're in a public spa. Would you call the person who's the same gender with you a pervert?

I like the second one. It shows the soft side of Malice~

Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 19 2006, 12:35 AM

I'm pretty sure Malice and Ein never knew each other.

Posted by: Nanashi Feb 19 2006, 03:36 AM

Shounen-ai hinting FTW!

Posted by: Leyviur Feb 19 2006, 05:50 AM

More like FTL.

Posted by: Shadow Feb 20 2006, 12:04 AM

So, this is what I've readed somewhere. Heh, funny. Still, why don't you create another of this with Ledah AND Malice?

Posted by: fensti Feb 20 2006, 02:57 PM

We don't know if Ein and Malice knew each other. I haven't read anything regarding it. If you can prove me otherwise, go right ahead.

It's really good though...

Posted by: MoloMowChow Feb 20 2006, 10:58 PM

QUOTE (Shadow @ Feb 20 2006, 12:04 AM)
So, this is what I've readed somewhere. Heh, funny. Still, why don't you create another of this with Ledah AND Malice?

That's a dumb questions...

Ledah= Male
Malice= Female

Ledah + Malice + Hot Springs = OMFG WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!


Posted by: Dr Sturm Feb 20 2006, 11:12 PM

You forget.

Ein = Male
Fia, Cierra, Serene, Lina and {everone else he walked in on} = Female.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Feb 21 2006, 03:04 PM

And they all have a crush on Ein.

However, Malice has no feelings towards Ledah, meaning if he walked in on her, they'd probably end up fighting.
The other way round, and Ledah just really wouldn't care. Malice would probably get embarrased and leave.

Posted by: Shadow Feb 21 2006, 05:47 PM

QUOTE (MoloMowChow @ Feb 20 2006, 07:58 PM)
QUOTE (Shadow @ Feb 20 2006, 12:04 AM)
So, this is what I've readed somewhere. Heh, funny. Still, why don't you create another of this with Ledah AND Malice?

That's a dumb questions...

Ledah= Male
Malice= Female

Ledah + Malice + Hot Springs = OMFG WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!


That's exactly my point, duh!

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Feb 26 2006, 10:25 PM

QUOTE (Chaos Seraph @ Feb 21 2006, 03:04 PM)
And they all have a crush on Ein.

However, Malice has no feelings towards Ledah, meaning if he walked in on her, they'd probably end up fighting.
The other way round, and Ledah just really wouldn't care. Malice would probably get embarrased and leave.

At least in what I've written, Malice starts to have some affection for Ein after he saves her (multiple times) in Parveeju Temple, but is far too proud to admit it, even to herself.

I mentioned that these are mostly in my "extended Riviera" thing, in which it's possible for Malice and Ledah to get a Trust value for Ein.

You can't view this bath scene if Malice's Trust is below 10. And if you're trying to get her ending, it's... *not* recommended.

Besides, the whole point of a ren'ai is that all the supporting characters are in love with the lead XD

And a bath scene where Ledah walked in on Malice would just end up with one or both of them getting very, VERY badly injured in the resulting fight. So no go there XD