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Lacrima Castle _ Music _ Minutes to Midnight

Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 22 2007, 08:11 AM

Hello my Linkin Park obsessed friends. ^^ Have you had the time or the care to check out Linkin Park's newest CD? Although it's really different from their older stuff, it by far their best, I would recomend it to anyone who has ever liked even one of Linkin Park's songs in the past. And even if you don't like Linkin Park, if you just want to hear really good songs at least listen to "Leave out All the Rest" "No More Sorrow" and "In Pieces" IMO those are the best songs on the whole album.

Posted by: Leyviur May 22 2007, 10:08 AM


Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 22 2007, 10:29 AM

So is that a yes or a no?

Posted by: FlameSpark May 22 2007, 10:33 AM

I'd say he's drunk....again.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph May 22 2007, 02:12 PM

No, he has a point.
Their lyrical themes are pretty much aimed at the same demographic. Not to mention the fact that they've just changed their style to fit into the newest trend in music

The album name is blatantly unoriginal. Iron Maiden anyone?

Sure, Brad does some pathetic attempts at a guitar solo here and there, and "omglolwevegottenmorerawandheavyandmature!" Mature? Whining about crap and swearing is far from mature. And it doesn't sound "raw" it sounds like watered down weak crap that just floods the mainstream already. The album is far from mature, original, or "raw".

To this day, I still listen to some tracks from Hybrid Theory, maybe for the nostalgic effect, I dunno. But what little uniqueness they had back then is pretty much gone here.

The album is "interesting" nonetheless however. There are some really shit tracks, and tracks I can find myself liking somewhat, but overall, I don't find it that great.

Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 22 2007, 07:25 PM

Aww, thats too bad, I thought it was a really good album *and it still is...* I was sure someone, even someone who doesn't care for Linkin Park would find this "new style" to be a really great change form them. I think they have matured from their past albums and are doing really great.


Posted by: Sauce XIV May 22 2007, 08:20 PM

Your opinion on Linkin Park is our opinion on Anathema; total win.

Speaking of which, we should probably feed you some Anathema.

Posted by: Dr Sturm May 22 2007, 08:45 PM

I've only heard one of the new songs, on the radio, it's definitely better than the shit they put on their second album, but not really interesting enough to make me buy it.

And Asaph, not everything is an Iron Maiden ripoff. Hell, that song is a reference to the Doomsday Clock, they obviously ripped off a nuclear joke. Not surprising, I supopse. Maiden is terrible.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph May 23 2007, 12:34 AM

When you're taking it out of such a popular metal album, it seems rather conspicuous.

Posted by: Dr Sturm May 23 2007, 01:18 AM

No, not really. Just to you.

Interesting fact: when something someone likes makes a reference to another something, it's an allusion or a homage, but when something someone doesn't like makes a reference to another something, it's plagiarism or a ripoff.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph May 23 2007, 01:26 AM

I suppose thats why numerous people I know stole my thoughts.

Its not a ripoff. I said it was unoriginal. Maiden's original song was unoriginal too at best.

Posted by: Dr Sturm May 23 2007, 01:29 AM

The way you presented it hints you think otherwise.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph May 23 2007, 01:41 AM

It was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard the name of the new album a while ago. I'm just wierd like that.

Posted by: aerozero May 23 2007, 02:33 AM

QUOTE(FlameSpark @ May 22 2007, 03:33 AM) *

I'd say he's drunk....again.

2 weeks later, he'll find out that he has a wife instead of a girlfriend >_>

Posted by: Takeru-kun May 23 2007, 04:05 PM

QUOTE(aerozero @ May 23 2007, 02:33 AM) *

QUOTE(FlameSpark @ May 22 2007, 03:33 AM) *

I'd say he's drunk....again.

2 weeks later, he'll find out that he has a wife instead of a girlfriend >_>


Sound-wise, I think all three albums are different enough to appeal to different audiences. I liked Hybrid Theory, Reanimation, Meteora, and Collision Course (in that order specifically), but I didn't like Minutes to Midnight. It's too big of a departure from the previous three albums, and it loses the unique nu metal flair that they initially possessed. No sampling elements from Hahn, Shinoda only raps in two different songs, and the guitar riffs are pretty much gone as well. They might as well have changed their band name when they released this CD; It doesn't sound like Linkin Park at all.

As for an album on its own, without any comparisons to their previous work, most of what I think has already been said by Seraph (including the Doomsday Clock thing going on here, but mind you, they're not the first to do it), so I'll just recap: "swearing", "whining about stuff", "unoriginal". It's like they were taking too many cards from other bands who already dominate the genre. Given Up sounds especially inspired (if not ripped off) of something from a My Chemical Romance album, for instance. And then there's also that love-it-or-hate-it anti-war stance that's prevalent throughout the majority of the album (I mean, seriously, look at the album title).

I can see why someone else would like this album, but I'm pretty sure the majority of the original Linkin Park fan base would be disappointed, which is to be expected anyways, since the guys said they were planning to take a completely different direction a while after Meteora's release. It's a major disappointment to me.

Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 27 2007, 12:39 AM

Ok, I will admit, or more like say again that this is very different from their past songs, and I can see how a fan true to Linkin Park’s older albums would be disappointed to see such a drastic change, but it also opens up new doors to people who may have not like Linkin Park before. And as far as being unoriginal or unimaginative, what singer/group/rapper isn’t? Half of what you hear today on the radio or TV are revised versions or much older songs. *HALF, not ALL* As long as the music or and overall flow of the song are good, I’ll listen to it, I don’t take to heart the lyrics of any song much much, especially LP, I can understand what they represent, but I cant relate to it…

Posted by: Dr Sturm May 27 2007, 12:42 AM

Half of what you hear today on the radio or TV are revised versions or much older songs.
Half of what you hear on the radio or TV today is about 2% of what is out there and recent today.

Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 27 2007, 12:53 AM

What radio stations do you listen to?

Posted by: Dr Sturm May 27 2007, 01:00 AM

I only listen to one - 93X, but what does that matter?

Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 27 2007, 01:05 AM

For someone who only listens to one radio station you sure know what half is, I suppose you have the answers to all questions.

Posted by: Dr Sturm May 27 2007, 01:17 AM

Half of what is played is played on 93X: KDWB only plays top ten songs, literally, B96 only plays rap and hip hop but they refuse to censor, and the FCC refuses to allow them to have those words broadcast so their play list is very limited, KQ92, KS95, and a few other stations only play soft rock hits, and I think KS95 is about to go under. 93X plays all forms of rock and many of metal, will take nearly any request (for rock, at least) you send in, has four hours a week dedicated to purely [active] local bands and every Sunday they play an entire recent album from start to finish (last Sunday they played Ozzy's Black Rain - that's right, two days before it was even released), a good portion of the bands they play never get played again once they actually put album out.

So, anyways, yes, I know what half is.

Posted by: Ethereal Citizen May 27 2007, 01:26 AM

I hardly call that "half" Although we obviously live in different states, maybe you know half of what you have, and in that case, my post referring to half of the radio only applies to where I live and I should have not brought it up assuming everyone lives where I do or has some form of satellite radio, however, in that case, you were unable to properly respond to my statement in the first place. We're both wrong.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph May 27 2007, 11:57 PM

And as far as being unoriginal or unimaginative, what singer/group/rapper isn’t?
Avant Garde Metal maybe?

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Jun 28 2007, 02:37 AM

The intro to What I've Done sounds pretty damn similar to Metallica's Fade to Black.

Just something I noticed.

Posted by: Lord Rasler Jun 29 2007, 09:59 PM

just went out to buy it. I like it, but It's not my favorite C.D. by them.

Posted by: San Aug 18 2007, 09:48 PM

I bought it last week. I liked it, but my favourite is Hybrid Theory. What I liked best of this CD is Given Up, What I´ve Done and No More Sorrow

Posted by: Raijinili Aug 19 2007, 08:10 AM

Those song titles sound emo.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Aug 19 2007, 10:27 AM

Its pretty much the basic angsty coming of age garbage that every emo/pop-punk/post-grunge/numetal band has been putting out for the past 15 years ever since grunge made it "cool" to talk about your feelings.

Posted by: Raijinili Aug 19 2007, 05:07 PM

But does the music sound good, notwithstanding the lyrics?

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Aug 19 2007, 05:27 PM

There's probably every song off the album on jewtube somewhere.

Judge for yourself.

I've actually downloaded the album so I could give better criticism on it, and I have to say, it blows. Its incredibly boring all the way through. Chester's typical rasps are crap, his cleans sound forced, zero amount of development in any of the songs ( omg, 3 note guitar solo!!!111 ), so its just all powerchords basically. This would be forgivable, if I were able to believe for a second that the music they made came from their heart, and that they were playing because they loved it, but I can't. Bassline is nonexistant in most of the songs.

Hann's mixing/synth and Mike's rapping are above average at least though. I've always liked Mike's voice.

Posted by: San Aug 19 2007, 07:45 PM

Have you listened Second to None (part of Transformers´s soundtrack) by Mike Shinoda?

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Aug 19 2007, 09:20 PM

I never get movie soundtracks.

Posted by: Raijinili Aug 19 2007, 10:27 PM

I don't know how to judge.

Posted by: San Aug 20 2007, 02:53 PM

Neither do I, I haven´t seen Transformer myself. I friend told me about that song. Don´t know how to judge since it´s a bit... different from other songs of the same author.

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Aug 20 2007, 04:43 PM

If its anything like Fort Minor I'll probably like it to some degree.

Posted by: San Aug 20 2007, 09:07 PM

Don´t know Fort Minor

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Aug 20 2007, 09:10 PM

Shit lyrics, good beats, nice mixing. A lot better than LP.

Posted by: San Aug 20 2007, 09:32 PM

Alright, I´ll see if I can get something of them, just to see how it is.

A couple of minutes later that day....
I have to admit it, it´s good. Now I´ll see if I get something else...

Posted by: Chaos Seraph Aug 20 2007, 09:47 PM

Posted by: San Aug 20 2007, 09:54 PM

Thanks, it´s pretty(?) good. I got from my frineds a couple more songs.