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Lacrima Castle _ Fiction _ OH MAH GAH

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jul 6 2007, 07:26 PM

For those of you who may not have noticed, the FF.Net admins FINALLY got off their behinds, stopped making stupid pointless updates, and added a bunch of new categories.

One of them happens to be for Yggdra Union (finally, HOW many months after I sent that request?). Yaaaaaay.

For those of you who've still got YU stuff in the Riviera section, this would be your cue to move it now. Populate the new section OMG!

And to celebrate this wonderful news (okay, not really), I have a new oneshot there.
The day she found him was a day that would forge the destiny of her lineage for ages hence. To her, he seemed like a gift from the gods. But for him...

This one waxes a bit speculative (as it covers events only referenced very briefly in the game), so if you're an OMG MUST KEEP IT 150% CANON person you might wanna give this one a miss. It's just a theory, people.

Oh, and OMG spoilers. Must not forget that there are OMG spoilers.

Anyway, OH MAH GAH there's a topic now. Let's spam it with fanfics. :D

Posted by: Sauce XIV Jul 6 2007, 07:41 PM

Theories are fine as long as you can support them with fact, as well as not screwing up canonical storylines in the process. I may give that one a read just for being a theory.

Posted by: WhiteKnight Jul 6 2007, 07:43 PM

Bah. would not truly please me untill there is a section for Super Robot Wars. BTW, this fiction is...interesting...

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Jul 6 2007, 07:43 PM

I better move my stuff. Maybe more people will read it and write YggdraxRosary, bwahahahha - /shot in the arm

OWIE. *Rubs arm* Moving on. I may give that a peek, I still have to catch up on some of your other works, and I have a bunch of SatashiI DON'T KNOW JAPANESE BUT I LIKE TO PRETEND I DO!'s Nanoha fics to catch up on as well... Plus I actually want to work on your request and work on my next YxR fic.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jul 6 2007, 08:01 PM

QUOTE(Sauce XIV @ Jul 6 2007, 07:41 PM) *

Theories are fine as long as you can support them with fact, as well as not screwing up canonical storylines in the process. I may give that one a read just for being a theory.

Sauce: The only noncanonical part is Nessiah talking to Gulcasa and Yggdra about the main part of the story at the end.

WK: Yay someone likes~


Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Jul 6 2007, 08:06 PM

I would've done all that AGES ago, but I didn't feel like writing, or when I did I was in school and was busy trying to pass. Or, more recently, I've been sick and it's awfully hard to write for long periods of time while laying down on the couch.

I'll see if I do your request first or my own. I have ideas for yours, it's just proving difficult to find enough ways to make what's going on sound suggestive but make it so it can turn out not to be... If ya know what I mean.

Where as on mine, I'm just struggling to work out the plotline and stuff.

I'll take a peek after my doctor's appointment so in a couple of hours I suppose. Speaking of which, does Feral have any messengers? I only have MSN, but it could be helpful for writing. I usually have to pester friends to get my thinking process sorted out sometimes. (By pester I mean get creative advice of course! << >>)

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jul 6 2007, 08:12 PM

I don't have AIM or MSN or IM or any other useful things.

NO HOME INTERNETZ. Still. So, y'know.

But we can always talk here, I guess.

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Jul 6 2007, 08:21 PM

I suppose we could... And I forgot about the home internet thing. I was more wondering where the heck you disappeared to for all those months <_<

Yeah I suppose as long as it stays within the fanfiction boundaries and the topic of the thread, we haven't done anything wrong! Yeah. You don't mind in which order I do the fics do ya?

I have spontaneous bursts of writing. It's kind of annoying. Kind of like how I wrote my first fics in a single day and the newest one took a lot longer then those.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jul 6 2007, 08:26 PM

Sturm wasn't letting me post, so there wasn't much I could do. I was pissed at him so I avoided the forum unless I specifically had something to tell the guy.

And as for the writing, take your time. I feel so badly about Whitewash and FlameSpark, whose giftshots I have STILL barely started, even after all this time. @_@ But with Sjn (*Japanese title, therefore cannot type it out here because of Ash) and Shades of Gray done, hopefully I will have more time.


...If the voice project doesn't take forever that is.

(Anyway, everyone, reviews plz kthx. :D)

Posted by: Antartique Jul 6 2007, 10:09 PM

Reading it right now, going to review.

WE HAVE GOT A FFNet CATEGORY! No more posting under Riviera *cries from happiness* ...Let's make a good try at reaching 100 archived stories! (That didn't make any sense). There are currently 17, 83 more to go *dies*

Gods, am I lazy...

Posted by: zesler Jul 7 2007, 02:37 PM

QUOTE(Feral Phoenix @ Jul 6 2007, 01:12 PM) *

I don't have AIM or MSN or IM or any other useful things.

NO HOME INTERNETZ. Still. So, y'know.

But we can always talk here, I guess.

You could get the browser version of them and talk with people. Sadly enough this is overshadowing my fanfic. No hits even. X_X

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jul 7 2007, 06:56 PM

Sorry, zesler~ I've been meaning to go check that out...