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Lacrima Castle _ Fiction _ Sympathy

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Jul 31 2007, 04:00 PM

Hoo boy. You know that Feral is feeling particularly bored and random when she decides to write a story about AYMIA, of all people. Yes, Aymia. The girl we see on the Gravity Chaos card. No, I don't know either. It came from Mars, like all the random things in the world.

Anyway, this one is spoilerific (for Nessiah) and semicoherent to Clover-esque* levels. If you can correctly interpret what in the world is going on, you get a cybercookie. And if you also guess where Maduin's name came from, you get extra brownie points.

[[*Clover = famous manga by CLAMP. Very, very hard to understand. But very cool once you can get past the crappy translation and the stand-alone bits and pieces of the highly fragmented story.]]

Posted by: Another Necromancer Aug 2 2007, 07:49 AM

You. Made. Me. Cry.

I cannot believe it. I have read countless books by 'professionals' and this has never happened. But that oneshot... wow. Geez. Nothing but praise here.

And I think I know what's going on.

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Posted by: Feral Phoenix Aug 6 2007, 06:36 PM

I'm flattered~. Didn't expect something as simple as this to have an emotional impact like that on people. |D

And you've got half of it. Now you just need the story behind it (as in why, exactly, Aymia got kicked out) and you'll win that cybercookie~.

Posted by: Another Necromancer Aug 7 2007, 06:59 AM

I thought that was the easy bit... anyway...

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