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Lacrima Castle _ Fiction _ Wholly *****!!!!

Posted by: sandpenguin Sep 19 2007, 09:55 AM

Man, this is so embarrasing.....but I just try to *gasp* send my fic and hope to hear something from you guys. I'm still novice at writing long story, so I hope to hear what the veterans say. I know some people will hate me cause I duped Yggdra in this story....Oh and one more thing, do you think my fic will be rated as "M" or "T" ? Say it cause I really confuse right now..... Last but not least, I use a more easy to understand words because I want people to know what I'm writing about and also I'm still not perfect about words vocabulary.

I will be out from the net for a few days cause there are terribly mannnyy homeworks and projects to be done and send this week. Oh snap, gonna go now. Bonjour!!!

Posted by: mindthinker Sep 21 2007, 12:55 PM

one word, willies!!!.

Posted by: sandpenguin Sep 25 2007, 12:37 PM

*sarcasm* Cool!! Only my classmates read my story... *sarcasm*
*Stressed Guy.jpg*

Posted by: Sauce XIV Sep 25 2007, 08:24 PM

Guess you seem to think that people only read stories if they leave reviews. I hate people that do that.

Posted by: sandpenguin Sep 26 2007, 07:04 AM

Not really....but if you all can, please leave some comment okay? I'm sorry if I a bit rude to you all.....

Posted by: Megaolix Sep 29 2007, 02:53 AM

Okay... It's going to be harsh, but it's going to be the truth.

I tried, but I wasn't able to read it fully.

First, you started with an OC that came out fo nowhere and who already had good relations with people on different sides...

Also, I couldn't even guess when in Yggdra Union is this fic... After, during, or before... And then, why is everybody alive...

Also, the text shouldn't all be in bold...

I would suggest to go read some fics and theirs reviews and get an idea of what is considered good and bad.

A good point, at least, is that the length is good.

Frankly, this fic is bad. But I'm sure you can get better. You just need more knowledge and practice of what you're doing.

Posted by: sandpenguin Oct 2 2007, 11:38 AM

Oh yeah....That story doesn't relate to YU actual story, so I make all the guys alive, even the bad guys. This is my first experimental fanfiction, so I know there would be many grammatical mistakes lingering out there.....I wil fix it later because I'm now studying for the exam next week.

Thanks for the tips Megaolix, I will change the font into normal then....
Don't worry, I will tell you all what's the original story after the exam, because I've working out on my second fic, probably the longest I've ever make. Many people confused why all the guy seems nice right? I know this will happen but after the second fiction comes out, you all will know it.

Just think the first fiction as a beta test. Just say any comments whether good or bad to this post, I will answer it AFTER the exam okay, thanks and good day! Roger out....

Posted by: Sauce XIV Oct 2 2007, 08:29 PM

I hate those stories where everyone is alive for no apparent reason, bending reality and shitting all over the storyline established by the game. Feral does a lot of this, too.

A good word of advice - Aside from the silly fangirls who obsess over impossible pairings, generally fanfiction which doesn't alter an already-established storyline is taken better.

Posted by: WhiteKnight Oct 6 2007, 02:10 AM

Remember, a good judge does not speak with bias, or even refer to themself. they judge a fic for MATERIAL, GRAMMAR, and PLOT not OPINION and BASELESS CONJECTURE!
It wasn't that bad, but... Damn, my eyes are bleeding.
plus, AU stories are perfectly reasonable jumples of fanon.

Posted by: Sauce XIV Oct 6 2007, 02:25 AM

Not when they undo what a storyline does.

Posted by: WhiteKnight Oct 6 2007, 02:35 AM

what I like to classify this sort of thing as:Alternate Universe Fanon.

Posted by: Sauce XIV Oct 6 2007, 02:36 AM

Most AU sucks. Try to prove otherwise.

Posted by: WhiteKnight Oct 6 2007, 02:39 AM

I see no point in doing so. It's up to the author to at least make it decent. To do that, they need reviews. not stuff like "I liked it" but stuf like "XXX is YYY, and therefore ZZZ and contradicts VVV. Perhaps you should rework this for WWW." and the like.

Posted by: Sauce XIV Oct 6 2007, 02:41 AM

I'm not talking about authors. I'm talking about general AU fanfiction. And again, I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Posted by: WhiteKnight Oct 6 2007, 02:44 AM

Challenged denied, unfortunately, good AU is impossible to find for the sake of showing to a critic like yourself. It, like other interesing, useful, or otherwise positive things n life, is usually found when one isn'tlooking for anything in particular.

Posted by: Sauce XIV Oct 6 2007, 02:45 AM

Fair enough.

Sorry for doing this in your thread, sandpenguin.

Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 26 2007, 05:38 PM

No, it's okay Yuka...

I just trying to take the challenge that there were only a small amount of writers that implement their own home-made character into their story, that will make a MAJOR change, not a minor one...

After all, this was my first fanfic....

Posted by: Yuka Dec 26 2007, 05:43 PM

Many people look down upon homebrew characters that have large impacts on storylines and such.

Posted by: DustyHaru Dec 27 2007, 12:59 AM

QUOTE(Yuka @ Dec 26 2007, 12:43 PM) *

Many people look down upon homebrew characters that have large impacts on storylines and such.

then they should be cameo characters?

I've always found that I like writing my own characters into fanfiction...but it usually makes it suck so I never show anyone


Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 27 2007, 08:35 AM

I'll know, but I just take up the casualties no matter how big it was. It's pretty boring to see the SAME character on EVERY fanfic doing the SAME act OVER and OVER again.

"Kill the pie, Yggdra"
"The pie are going to kill you, Yggdra, kill it now!"
"Pies are wonderful Yggdra, eat it now!"

"Justice lies on the holy sword, bourgeois! The sword was hollow, it is big just to give the impression that it's strong."
"With justice on her hands, Yggdra kills all the imperials like she was eating all the pie,"
"You all must follow me, hate what I hate and kill what I kill because justice lies in my hand, I AM JUSTICE, I AM THE LIBRA HERSELF"

I don't want all above, I want....


Anyways, a girl carrying a BIG, BROAD SWORD wearing a GOWN? Maybe she's wearing a jetpack shoes, could it be?

Posted by: Yuka Dec 27 2007, 07:55 PM

You obviously don't read fanfiction that's written well.

Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 28 2007, 07:04 PM

Okay, I'm lose. What's more? I'll just continue it anyway even if there's nobody to support me or so. It's better to make something 'different' (For me, I'm sure not everybody will agree with me) rather than the same ol style. Although it will take two years or more, I didn't care, I'll just drink it up into my stomach whether it is orange juice or hellish poisonous nettles.

(Shoot me in the neck, the pistol is in the table) This is my PET project, just like the warcraft union, which is superb to me. I'm trying to find my real natural abilities....maybe it lies on writing? Technical? Verbal? Music? (Arts and sports are sucky to me, I'm lazy at sports and I bet you will say my drawing is like a 3-7years old drawing,)

Posted by: Yuka Dec 28 2007, 08:44 PM

So long as you know what you're getting yourself into, I have no problems with it. Just don't come running if the world casts its fury upon you.

That reminds me, I need to do something pertaining to Warcraft Union.

Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 29 2007, 02:22 PM

Oh yeah, is this was some sort of an expansion or add-ons for Warcraft 3? I would like to play it if it's completed.

Thanks, I will take care of myself.....

Posted by: Yuka Dec 29 2007, 02:58 PM

It's a map a few of us are working on.

Posted by: Lord Rasler Dec 29 2007, 04:56 PM

QUOTE(Yuka @ Dec 26 2007, 05:43 PM) *

Many people look down upon homebrew characters that have large impacts on storylines and such.

I agree. I don't personally like when a made-up character takes on the lead role of a game or anime. It takes what made the show good away.