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Lacrima Castle _ Site Feedback _ Suggestion : Characters bio

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 24 2006, 03:00 PM

I was looking at the Riviera section of the site when I thought about this. How come there isn't a page describing the characters of the game.

I know that everyone here know them, but let's say for exemple that a newcomer who want to know about the game comes here. I bet he would like to know about the characters.

It's just an idea I got. Feel free to say what you think about it.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 24 2006, 03:01 PM

QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 24 2006, 09:00 AM)
How come there isn't a page describing the characters of the game.

Because valkan is lazy.
We've been waiting on him to make them for a while now. PM him half a dozen times about it since he doesn't listen to me.

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 24 2006, 03:05 PM

Ah, so it's suppose to be made already...

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen valkan on the boards lately. I wonder what he's doing.

Edit: Oops, just saw him in the spam forum. Forget I asked where he was.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 24 2006, 10:05 PM

I'll bother him. Even better, if he doesn't make them, *I* will.

I already have some made actually. They're on the Riviera section of my homepage, Isaac Must Die.

Posted by: valkan Mar 25 2006, 08:11 AM

QUOTE (Dr Sturm @ Mar 24 2006, 09:01 AM)
QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 24 2006, 09:00 AM)
How come there isn't a page describing the characters of the game.

Because valkan is lazy.
We've been waiting on him to make them for a while now. PM him half a dozen times about it since he doesn't listen to me.

Please do not confuse 'lazy' with 'completely bogged down with school, bills, and an exausting job' .

I'll try to get something done soon. If not, you could always go with Feral's. (Half of you would probably prefer that to whatever I come up with anyway.)

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 26 2006, 05:34 AM

QUOTE (valkan @ Mar 25 2006, 02:11 AM)
QUOTE (Dr Sturm @ Mar 24 2006, 09:01 AM)
QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 24 2006, 09:00 AM)
How come there isn't a page describing the characters of the game.

Because valkan is lazy.
We've been waiting on him to make them for a while now. PM him half a dozen times about it since he doesn't listen to me.

Please do not confuse 'lazy' with 'completely bogged down with school, bills, and an exausting job' .

There's a difference?

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 26 2006, 04:06 PM

QUOTE (Dr Sturm @ Mar 26 2006, 05:34 AM)
QUOTE (valkan @ Mar 25 2006, 02:11 AM)
QUOTE (Dr Sturm @ Mar 24 2006, 09:01 AM)
QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 24 2006, 09:00 AM)
How come there isn't a page describing the characters of the game.

Because valkan is lazy.
We've been waiting on him to make them for a while now. PM him half a dozen times about it since he doesn't listen to me.

Please do not confuse 'lazy' with 'completely bogged down with school, bills, and an exausting job' .

There's a difference?

Ouch. ^_^ Poor valkan-kun. We love you anyways, hon.

If you want to use mine, just take the link in my sig and go to "Happy Randomness", then to the "Promised Land" link. That's the Riviera section.

I doubt I need to say it, but please credit when using.

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 27 2006, 05:18 PM

Errrr... Will I sound stupid if I ask which link to take? I've tried to find them, but...

Posted by: Rhiannon Mar 28 2006, 01:04 PM

The "Isaac Must Die" link. is the link to the bios if you still can't find them.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 28 2006, 04:31 PM

I would've just given you the links but... the PC I'm on doesn't let you have up more than one Internet thingy open at a time, sorry *sweatdrop*

Be warned that the bios I have give spoilers. Also, the ages and blood types listed ARE just guesstimates based on how the characters look and act.

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 28 2006, 05:10 PM

There is a mistake in Fia's profile.

Fia is the granddaughter of Graham. Not daughter.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 08:17 PM

QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 28 2006, 05:10 PM)
There is a mistake in Fia's profile.

Fia is the granddaughter of Graham. Not daughter.

But I wrote that she was??


Um... yeah.

Oh--I've been meaning to tell you, as you've been complaining that you want a new avatar... look in the "EVEN MORE FANART" topic for a bunch of 'em that I made, including a Fia one that you might like.

You like Fia, so go ahead and borrow. n.n;;

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 29 2006, 08:45 PM

I complained? I just talked about it once...

The avatar of Fia is nice, but it's not quite as nice as some others avatars I've seen.

But it's still good.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 08:48 PM

QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 29 2006, 08:45 PM)
I complained? I just talked about it once...

The avatar of Fia is nice, but it's not quite as nice as some others avatars I've seen.

But it's still good.

Well, I'm new at that kind of thing, sooo... *shrug*

It would be flattering if someone would actually recognize my sad efforts though XD

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 29 2006, 09:18 PM

Hey! You ARE great!!

The only problem is that not everyone has the same tastes as you.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 09:22 PM

QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 29 2006, 09:18 PM)
Hey! You ARE great!!

The only problem is that not everyone has the same tastes as you.

Quite obviously XD

There have been lots of "I don't mind it"s, but I haven't managed to find any other real Ledah/Ein supporters here.

If there are some, they're hidden in the woodwork and I can't find them.

Posted by: Marionette Mar 29 2006, 09:30 PM

Well, there's me. But you know I'm a quiet girl. XD

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 09:43 PM

QUOTE (Marionette @ Mar 29 2006, 09:30 PM)
Well, there's me. But you know I'm a quiet girl. XD

Oh right.



Posted by: Marionette Mar 29 2006, 09:47 PM

*laughs* I'm a ninja, but then again my OTP for life is MidbossxMalice.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 10:06 PM

QUOTE (Marionette @ Mar 29 2006, 09:47 PM)
*laughs* I'm a ninja, but then again my OTP for life is MidbossxMalice.

My OTP's include Cloudshipping and Silvershipping--though they don't cross, they're enough out of the box that I can rank myself with you.

Oh, and my OCT (One CRACK Threesome) is LloydxKratosxZelos, so there you go.

Woo weird pairings and guilty pleasures. ^_^

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 29 2006, 10:12 PM

QUOTE (Feral Phoenix @ Mar 29 2006, 05:06 PM)
Oh, and my OCT (One CRACK Threesome) is LloydxKratosxZelos, so there you go.

Woo weird pairings and guilty pleasures. ^_^



I can't help but wonder HOW your mind paired those three together...

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 29 2006, 10:18 PM

LloydxKratosxZelos really isn't hard to come up with.

Posted by: Marionette Mar 29 2006, 10:28 PM

QUOTE (Megaolix @ Mar 29 2006, 10:12 PM)
QUOTE (Feral Phoenix @ Mar 29 2006, 05:06 PM)
Oh, and my OCT (One CRACK Threesome) is LloydxKratosxZelos, so there you go.

Woo weird pairings and guilty pleasures. ^_^



I can't help but wonder HOW your mind paired those three together...

No imagination! Now, Malice with a love of Mickey Mouse. THAT is something to ponder.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 10:39 PM

XD This is why WE all wonder about YOU. XD

Really... that is what happens when you go "They'd be hot together... let's have a random orgy!"

Hence most people's extreme dislike of Malice/Serene.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 29 2006, 10:40 PM

The popularity of that thread suggests that few people dislike MalicexSerene.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 10:42 PM

QUOTE (Dr Sturm @ Mar 29 2006, 10:40 PM)
The popularity of that thread suggests that few people dislike MalicexSerene.

That's because it's mostly the pervs and ecchi fanboys hanging out there. XD

I said "most", not "all", and we don't exactly have "most" of Riviera's fanbase here either...

Posted by: valkan Mar 29 2006, 10:43 PM

I don't support such a pairing.

Posted by: Dr Sturm Mar 29 2006, 10:43 PM

QUOTE (Feral Phoenix @ Mar 29 2006, 04:42 PM)
QUOTE (Dr Sturm @ Mar 29 2006, 10:40 PM)
The popularity of that thread suggests that few people dislike MalicexSerene.

That's because it's mostly the pervs and ecchi fanboys hanging out there. XD

I said "most", not "all", and we don't exactly have "most" of Riviera's fanbase here either...

Only because they refuse to join.

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Mar 29 2006, 10:47 PM

QUOTE (valkan @ Mar 29 2006, 10:43 PM)
I don't support such a pairing.

Dear boy, we've noticed. :)

Posted by: Megaolix Mar 29 2006, 11:24 PM

Still, I wonder why there isn't more people supporting straight pairings...

Posted by: Marionette Mar 30 2006, 12:18 AM

I support straight pairings!

MidbossxMalice! ONE TRUE LOVE.

Posted by: Yourself Mar 30 2006, 01:02 AM

Obsession to that sort of thing is unhealthy Mari...

Video games however, is a different matter.

Posted by: Marionette Mar 30 2006, 02:29 AM

QUOTE (Yourself @ Mar 30 2006, 01:02 AM)
Obsession to that sort of thing is unhealthy Mari...

Video games however, is a different matter.

You liar, you have no idea how sacred their love is.