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Lacrima Castle _ Site Feedback _ What is the IP address of your server?

Posted by: jcdietz03 Jan 20 2008, 08:56 AM

I am trying to set up a redirect in my router. I want to redirect all requests for "" to your IP address. In order to do that I'd like your IP address.

FYI I am using Tomato as my router firmware which uses DNSmasq as its DNS service.

I did a reverse DNS lookup of and got When I access that by HTTP I get "Site temporarily unavailable" error message. My guess is that this is not your IP address.

I understand if you don't want to make the info public. If that is the case, could you PM me the IP address. I swear it's for personal use only. I won't tell anyone.

Posted by: Yuka Jan 20 2008, 10:31 PM

Why not have people just come here directly instead of trying to redirect them from

Posted by: Raijinili Jan 21 2008, 02:05 AM

Can't do it, since the IP is Dreamhost's.

Posted by: jcdietz03 Jan 21 2008, 03:43 AM

Okay, thanks for trying.

QUOTE(Yuka @ Jan 20 2008, 10:31 PM) *

Why not have people just come here directly instead of trying to redirect them from
There are several links lying around the site (the "Search" link is one) that point to I wanted to work around the problem by doing DNS redirect, but I see now that it won't work. I'll need to manually edit those links in the address bar to

Posted by: Yuka Jan 21 2008, 03:30 PM

I do believe that's only on Death of Blue. Revolution appears to be completely fixed.

Posted by: DustyHaru Jan 21 2008, 11:02 PM

I brought up about the broken Links


Posted by: Raijinili Jan 23 2008, 06:56 PM

You can write a Greasemonkey script which changes the links.