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Lacrima Castle _ Site Feedback _ PRAISE THE ASH-KAISER

Posted by: Feral Phoenix Nov 24 2007, 01:05 AM

Just wanted to let Ash know in as public a way as possible: Thanks so much for fixing the forum problems! Life without LCN has been... boring. DD: I've missed all y'all and everything to do with you... except maybe the bickering, but oh well.

Thanks, Ash~

Posted by: Sauce XIV Nov 24 2007, 09:47 AM

Ash didn't fix it, though.

Posted by: Leyviur Nov 24 2007, 02:22 PM

Rhia did. I just fixed the site.

Posted by: Lucho Nov 26 2007, 10:22 PM

Life without LCN was like... life without LCN?

Posted by: Raijinili Nov 27 2007, 02:07 AM

Sara fixed it.

Posted by: Rhiannon Nov 27 2007, 02:09 AM

Sara's knowledge and my power fixed it.

Posted by: San Dec 2 2007, 07:37 PM

[worship]Sara, Rhia, Ash and [add people who helped here, if any][/worship] (?)

Posted by: Lord Rasler Dec 10 2007, 02:33 AM

Much loves to all involved, I agree with Feral: Life was boring-_-

Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 12 2007, 10:34 AM

Goodness! Since when did this site reopened with a different address! I've found this site accidently by typing 'leyviur' on google and voila! Shhoot! Thanks everyone that try to revive LCN back to its health. Life is sooooo hard without LCN although with the new PSP on my hand. Yayayayaya!! Keep up the good work, guys! (Go to toilet....I think my bladder was going to broke because of massive happiness in my mind)

Too much happiness=Want to pee.

Posted by: vahn14 Dec 14 2007, 02:41 PM

How long has Lacrima been back up, anyway?

Posted by: Suzu Fujibayashi Dec 14 2007, 09:08 PM

Judging from Feral's post... Either on Nov. 23rd or before then.

Posted by: DustyHaru Dec 15 2007, 05:59 PM

oh wow I've been trying to figure what happened o_O
Much thanks to everyone who fixed it

Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 18 2007, 11:38 AM

Dunno, why there are nobody to fix that broken link on wikipedia? Many fans are sure was dying to know this site 'new' 'new' 'new' (too much exaggeration) place on the net.

Posted by: Yuka Dec 18 2007, 09:28 PM

Some of those fans we have a distaste for.

Posted by: sandpenguin Dec 19 2007, 07:42 AM

And no wonder the site gets a page rank of ZERO on the google toolbar rather than the humble TWO on the original one.....

Where's LCN?
Dunno (Hiding page history on a piece of digital paper)
We have thousands of fans here, you now....
Do I really have to lied on them?
What is it?
No, look, a flying coffin!

Do you really want to make this site into a private, secluded and (members only) site rather than a fans site? Oh come on, THIS is the only the fansite for YU and Riviera okay? Why don't you changed your stance into an open-door style like any other 'boring' fansites? This castle rocks!

Posted by: Yuka Dec 19 2007, 04:11 PM

This is not the only fansite for YU and Riviera.

Posted by: P.P.A. Dec 19 2007, 07:55 PM

What others are there? >_>

Anyway, opening the site for everyone would only result in a flood of noobs. But locking it away from the internet would destroy its purpose...
How about we post the new link on Wikipedia again, but hide the forum - newbies could only access the main site and the channel. If we see in the channel that they won't act like total idiots on the forum, we give them the link.

Posted by: Greifer Dec 20 2007, 12:01 AM

I think they'd act more like assholes on the channel than in the castle.

At least on the forum they can get permabanned. On the channel, well...

It's not that easy.

Posted by: Yuka Dec 20 2007, 01:07 AM

There are other Riviera fansites. He didn't specify they had to be in English.